well, I tried to catch u on my space, but u weren't there at the times I checked in. I must have checked in at least every hour and sometimes on the half hour from 9am to 2pm. Let me know when u will most likely be on. tommorrow am won't work cause I have early apts. That's good. It's a sign I'm busy when I schedule a 10 am on Tues. morn. I'll need to ride early, eat and get ready and leave by 9:15, so how about Friday am. Roni and I usually have breakfast together, but sometimes she's up later than me. That means 9am our time would be good to chat. I guess tha't 5 or 6pm your time. Love you, Dad
Its 9:24 here and sun is coming out. Cloey just nocked on the door, so I let her in and she went straight to bed. Roni is sleeping in. She had a long day at work yesterday. Its the second day she's worked a full 8 hours and had to do homework as well.
Sunday night Mom and I took a walk with Cloey and went over to that new swinging bridge at redwood. It's beautiful and we walked over on it and just sat on the bench at redwood camp under the big redwood trees. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed talking, walking and just sitting. Cloey does well for an old girl. She was tired, but kept up. When we first took off from home she ran down the street all excited and Dale was out front. He said, "I've never seen her run that fast!!!"
Sunday was the "Hot rods at the beach" so I got to see a lot of neat cars for free. I met a young guy that is an expert on air suspension, so he game me some tech. advice on how to finish off my air suspension controls.
Saturday I went to Jeremy's house to have him fix the timing on your car. I had put new spark plug wires and distributor cap on, but the timing was off and really hard to get to. He was so fast and knew just what to do to fix it. It runs like it did when you first got it. It'll be here when you get back, so you can take it to Rocknwater next summer. That should be fun. It really has power to climb the hills and passing power when you step on it. God is good to us to supply us with very reasonably priced vehicles and even a convertible. Sunday I drove around with the top down. It was a beautiful day. Well, I'm going to see if u are on line at my space. Love ya, DAD
Yah, let's chat. I missed talking with u on the phone. Maybe we could talk on the phone Sat. am, but let's chat before that. I just got home from a very busy day helping my cousin Jim. He's been having some difficult medical trials and needed my help fixing his car and some emotional/spiritual help cuz he's been kinda depressed with all his medical problems. He and I are more like brothers. We grew up as buddies from the time we were very little. Well, mom just got home from Cabrillo and I want to go talk to her. Love, DAD >Let me know of the best times to chat. I'll be busy with a counseling week, but I will have some time tommorrow am, so I'll be checking to see if you're on my space. I'll be home doing paper work until about 2.30 pm. Love ya, love ya, love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
web cam arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't be able to get it up and running until next weekend. I'm so busy. I'm sure excited to hear about your excercize class. It encourages me to keep on working out. I rode again today and will twice more this week. I'm having trouble controling my food portions. I need to really get serious with that part. Pray for me. I know u have been, so thx., keep it up and I'll continue to pray for u.
Mikahla Edeal
That stinks that the cam isn't there yet! I spent the whole day out of the house today except for like half an hour around 4:30 when I just had time to shave my legs, change, and run to the gym for my classes. Today was way fun! The routine was complicated, but I stuck with it and actually did pretty well! I pick things up faster now and am starting to get into it. We need to get a chat schedule down! I should post a list of times I am available and you can sign up first(dad) and then anybody else who wants can jump on the list. That would be awesome because I am getting lonely again. Pero, hoy he tenido una conversacion con Cecile, mi compaña de cuarto, sobre los chicos y relaciones. Fue muy interesante. - But today I had a conversation with Cecile, my room-mate, about boys and relationships - in spanish:) It was really interesting and fun.
Hey, papi, I was sad I didn't get to talk on the phone with you this weekend! Maybe one of these mornings, for you-evening for me, we can have a chat. Or, por lo menos(at least), we should talk this weekend.
Love you, and miss you everyday!
I'm trying to find out what happened to the web. cam. delivery. It was delivered to Watsonville DHL warehouse on 10/1 and hasn't been delivered here. I called their national line and they said they probably only deliver to Mt. HErmon once a week. I called again this am to track the delivery and their national tracking system is down. I will never pick their delivery system. Dell sent it via them, but UPS is much, much better. They deliver up her everyday.
hey, want to chat??????????? I've got a few minutes before I have to go to a counseling apt., then off to Ron R's for lunch. It's a beautiful day in MT Hermon, supposed to be sunny all day and about 80 degrees. The radio says they are weighting in the pumpkins in Half Moon Bay for the biggest pumpkin weigh-in. The biggest so far is 365 lbs.
I just kept talking. u must have been talking to someone else. I got so excited, but couldn' get ahold of u. sad face!!!!!!!!!!!
I saw u on myspace, but I tried to im u. How's it going???
Mikahla Edeal
The city really is an amazing thing. In one day you might see a thousand people and not know even one. In the country you might go a whole day and only see a few people, but you know the few and they know you. In the city nobody knows anybody, not even themselves. They feel an empty space in their lives and in themselves and they search for things to fill it up. They try to fill it with people and parties, with deeds and with drugs. They search desperately for beauty, but they don't know where to look. They look to diets, clothes, make-up and plastic surgery, but the beauty fades away - not even the architecture or art will satisfy for long. These things are only temporary and they cannot last. True beauty is in nature-the eternal art of God, nothing else can fill the void. We made the cities, but we were not made for them. It is not natural - nature is natural.
Mikahla Edeal
And thank you, Danny, for the kind words too. I believe if it's possible, you can do it. You just have to try, you have to start doing it even if you don't do it well. You'll learn as you go, that's the only way you can, and in the end you'll find you could do it all along. It's like this step class I took Thursday. Crazy! It was really fast and complicated and in the begining I felt like giving up and running out(and that was just the warm up), but I stuck with it and in the end I was able to stick with the instructor when she went throught the whole routine a bunch of times in a row and faster! You can do whatever you want - the hard part is figuring out what you want.
I'm real tired so I'll say good night. Left you a message on my space. Thanks for today, it was real fun and a lot of laughs