OK, so my Italian host lady is turning out to be a little crazy and more than a little hard to live with. She's not really mean she's just obsessive about the house and all her stuff and very, very opinionated and always tries to tell us what to do. Now, if you know me and my family you will know that my parents barely tell me what …
- Mikahla Edeal
- Last visited:
- Rome, Italy
Hola, salut, and ciao to all! Welcome to my travel journal:) I am currently on the last leg of my journey, in Rome, and only have about two months left in Europe. I will be home around the end of May:) The internet situation in Rome is not so good for me and I can only really get on once or twice a week, but I have developed a handy strategie to deal with this - I will be writing e-mails and journals offline at home and then I can just post them all up when I…
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Mikahla Edeal
Hola, salut, and ciao to all! Welcome to my travel journal:) I am currently on the last leg of my journey, in Rome, and only have about two months left in Europe. I will be home around the end of May:) The internet situation in Rome is not so good for me and I can only really get on once or twice a week, but I have developed a handy strategie to deal with this - I will be writing e-mails and journals offline at home and then I can just post them all up when I get internet . Thank you all for your love and support - I miss you all very much, but am having a blast in Europe!On this site I have journals, photos, and a message board - explore! Enjoy!You can also check out my photo album, but it is better to go to dotphoto.com and see all my photos there. (username=worldreve, password=5freckles) Thanks for all the love and support, I really feel it and am so grateful. God has blessed me with a wonderful group of friends and an awesome family! Love you guys, Mikahla