Hello once again
Although at time of writing this I am no longer in Jodhpur, I thought I would break the blogs down as much as I can for my own benefit really. No not because I am a little bit slow, but because when I read back on these in the years to come it will have a bit more structure and make sense to me, ok and I am a little bit slow! (hey you guys...... dont worry if you dont understand that).
We left Jaiselmer after a couple of days and got a lift from a guy at the hotel whom I now refer to as 'Shifty'. He always seemed to be wrapped up with scarves and just these shifty two eyes looking out from within. Lets just say he did not look like a guy to be trusted.
Anyway train was a nightmare and very very cold (the nights get soo chilly here in North of India at this time of year) so thankyou to all at work, sorry ex work, for the fleece, very handy). The train which was a night one (my favourite as saves on accomodation) and stopped a couple hours short of Jodhpur and we were told there was a problem on the track?? In response to this everybody else (locals) disembarked the train and stolled off into the darkness of the night? What the hell was the track problem to cause people to do this in cold of night, had they not finished buildng the track?? Asked at station and no other forms of transport to Jodhpur as very small town station so god only knows where those loons disappeared to, I was not vetnturing out there with the possibility of 'Shifty' the mysterious being out there, back to bed for me and awaited the re-start of the train which I was told would be a few hours. Eventually arrived in Jopdhpur 4 hours late and there were 2 people at station awaiting our arrival Who on earth knew that we were coming to Jodhpur?? Only turns out my old mate 'Shifty' had rang ahead to his mates to state are arrival, oh well these fellas didnt look so shifty, so went along to have a look at room. One word for the room s%#thole, but hey Im on a budget here. Anyway my room was at the front of the building next to the road, whcih at the time did not dawn on me why this sole cheap room was stood here on its own. That night as I crawled into bed and shut my eyes it hit me, and by the sounds of things I thought that bloody motorcycle was about to hit me!! The road erupted into a junction of chaos, how did they know I was just going to bed, its as if all engines and movement was stationary awaiting that one moment when my head was to touch the pillow. (if anybody has seen that advert for the television where all the movie comes flying out the screen and through the room past the person then that is the best description I can think of giving for what my room was like). Utter chaos and yet after a while those beating drums, motorcycle engines, horns beeping and general wallahs from outside sent me to sleep, luvly jubly.
Prior to this night of chaos I had been to visit Mehrangarth Fort up on the hill whyich was an audio guided tour, which made for a very interesting tour although straight in one ear and out the other. This fort did offer fantastic views across the city as well and from here it was quite clear why it is named the 'Blue City' Many a building painted in the city colours of, yes you guessed it BLUE. After this walked across to Jaswant Thada (White Temple) which was very peaceful and once again another fantastic looking Temple and views.
Went out for a meal that night to a tiny lttle restaurant I passed on way down from the fort where I had got chatting to the owners son who collected notes from all over the world. This chap had a fantastic collection of notes in a binder and for the lifestlyle he was living (poor area) would have been worth far more to exchange. Yet he loved the collection and said he had been collecting from passers by for over 7 years and he dreamt of opening a museum in Jodhour with them all? Everyone has a dream I suppose. I had a 1 dollar bill in pocket so I gave him this and said I would come back for dinner later on. He showed me how he had currency form all over the world, but not a single English note? He even had a Scottish 1 pound note, and this put me as an Englishmen to shame, because we all know how tight those Scots are!! Went back with a 5 pound note and for some dinner. This restuarant was tiny only had somthing like two tables and was basically the boys and his mothers roof on their home, nice curry and beer (to make a change), and very interesting family who provided it. The lad was so grateful for the note and when I told him how many rupees it was worth (385 or thereabout, a lot considering curry just cost something like 50rs) his mothers eyes lit up and a smile formed from ear to ear (see you later money museum!!!) Anyway they were both so grateful they invited me back for lunch tomorrow (as a guest in their home I assume not as a paying customer....that wouldn't be much of a thankyou invite!!) As it happens I never made it back due to train departure the following day.
The following day Went to Umaid Bhawan Palace which half of it the current Maharaja lives in and the other half a luxury hotel (no surround sound motorcycle action in there me thinks). Not really very interesting but still another immaculate palace (as they all appear to be). After this headed to Mandor Gardens which contains scupltures from stone in the 'Hall of Hereos', but what I found more fascinating was all the monkeys in the park....Brillant, monkeys are deffinatley my favourite animal due to the sheer cheekyness of them, and the way they were sitting there unphased by passers by as they eat nuts strewn across the pavement was fantastic.
Got back to hotel grabbed bags and had to rush to train station to get train to next stop of Abu Road (to then head by bus 45 mins to Mount Abu). Got to train station just in time only to find train delayed by 15 mins (typical!). Once again train journey was entertaning and again was offered food... Have I got feed me tattooed on my forehead or something?? Cant say no as it appears rude and they are so insistent they wont take no as an answer anyway.
Getting the hang of these train journeys now!! only short train journey (well by short it was something like 5.30-6 hours) but in comparison this is short, and arrived 8:30pm in Abu Road.
By the way, thankyou all for the messages, its good to see that its not a case of out of sight out of mind, besides I would pester you all until I got a reponse if you didn't write anyway. Keep them coming and I will try and continue to entertain you with my ordeal.... Sorry adventure!!
Thats all folks!
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