Well here I am in wonderful Delhi. Left UK on Wednesday evening for my flight into the unknown. Said my farewells at the airport and off I was on my tod. It was only at this point that it began to dawn on me just what I was entering into, as I sit in O'Neills having a beer with no one to talk to. So I turned to my old realiable friend who is always there for me and he answered my prayers as I abosrbed my third pint I had totally forgotten everything I was worrying about!
Arrived in New Delhi airport at around Midday on Thursday and was surprsed how quite and tranquil the airport seemed, talk about false sense of security. I departed the airport and there it was the bustle the noise and the smell. People really do complain about the amell here but I did not find it to horrific, maybe that says more about my state of hygiene then the strengh of the smell itself. I found the pre-paid taxi booth paid for this and went to find my taxi, only to be pointed back from the taxis being told I had the wrong number. As I walked back towards the booth a tall Indian chap was running towards me shouting my number. I showd him my ticket and then an almighty barney began between him and the guy who had sent me back....... The taxi ride from the airport to the Parah Ganj where I am staying was fascinating. 2 lanes for traffic with 3-4 cars, rickshaws and bikes going up and down each side, in a sadistic kind of a way I found this incredibly entertaining and very much enjoyed it. Arrived at Parah Ganj chucked my bag out the taxi and stepped out straight into a puddle of s***...... Welcome to Delhi!
Found my hotel and had a couple hours kip as I had not slept on the flight. Got up mid afternoon and met another traveller called Jules who had just come up from the South of India. Went out for a wander down the streets to soak up the atmosphere and it is sheer bedlam. Touts everywhere tryting to get you in their rickshaws or sell you something for a good price.... Took a tour on the back of a bike around the streets to grasp bearings and for some reason the chap decided to tour all the expensve hotels, very interesting! was he trying to rub it in or something. Went up to a roof top terrace and had a curry and a Kingfisher, what a way to finish that manic day. Heaven.
Chatting to Jules and got on well and therefore decided to do a bit of touring together. Got up first thing this morning and went to train station to book ticket over to Rajastahn for couple days time. Booked ticket to Jaiselmer which is just on Pakistani border. 16 Hour train jouney, however do have sleeper class so not all bad, only cost 300Rs as well which is about 4 pounds, cheaper then a ticket to Brighton, get in! After this went on tour of Delhi on a bus which took us to Indira Ghandi Museum, Qutub Minar, Raj Ghat Ghndi Museum and the ISKON Temple. Stopped off at a canteen as well and had a meat curry, which is basically like a metal priosn tray with all differant types of curry in it, this was to be eatern proper Indian style ie no fork provided. I think the others on the tour were wondering if I was eating the food or painting myself with it!! All fantastic places and very interesting, I will not list all the details of them now as this internet usage is being timed, but google them if you are interested in seeing what they are about, certainly gave me my first taste of what India culture is about, well second to the curry I had last night.
Got back and went out for wander on my own and to find some good food, sorry did I say good I meant cheap. Ended up in an absoute shack of a restaurant which was more like a corridor then anything else. Ordered a chicken curry, however if that was chicken then I look forward to beef!! It was so tender and had a cheesy taste to it, think it was paneer in disguise but I was not complaining as was top nosh. Met a chap from USA in here who had travelled over for a couple of days from Calcutta, after food and a chat I headed back to hotel to get some well deserved shut eye.
Another early start this morning as I decided I wanted to go and watch the Republic day parade. Everything shuts on this day as it is public holiday, although some bits on Parah Ganj were still trading. Jumped in rickshaw and headed over to Red Fort to view the parade. Got there a couple hours early and already big queue had formed. Still it was moving pretty quickly so no issue with it. Got to front and the security checks were immense. It made Gatwick Airport look like disneyland, I thought they were going to have everybodyt naked in the street at one point, it was that strict, guess this is due to the number of bombings that have taken place during this parade in the past, so I was all for the checking, in fact, I was going to see if they needed any help!! Got through eventully and sat down amongst the locals, before I knew it I was the only white person in the middle of thousands of Indians. Got chatting to a couple of them and when I looked up everybody was staring and listening to the conversation, I was wondering if I was the one on parade!! Fantastic people though, very friendly and accomodating, offering me chewing tobacco and all other bits and they are so poor, Im talking really poor. How hospitable and kind for such a poor area. Parade was fantastic and today will be a day I will never forget, which by the end of this trip will probably be said about everyday........
Thats about it for now, I am off with Jules to see the Red Fort tomorrow and Humayuns Tomb, which is supposed to be like a mini Taj Mahal so look forward to that, then have our train departure at 5:35 which I am sure will be another unforgettable memory!! Hopefully a good one.
Thats about it apart from one thing I have just realised. Belinda who recommended this hotel to me said not to expect to much but that it is very friendly both of which I would go with. However I did not realise that when I have a shower there is no seprate block for it the whole toliet is like a wet room. To put i bluntly I can sit on the toliet and shower all at the same time, now this totally exceeds my expectations, so fantastic good job Belinda. The only problem with the shower is when I am then standing in a total pouddle of water and try and switch the shower off I get electric shocks from the metal taps. I therefore have to turn them in short sharp bursts otherwise it hursts a little!! This in the UK would be seen as a health and safety issue I am sure, but here it is the norm, and I love it.
Thats about all folks, so my next blog will hopefully be from Jaiselmer, where I hope to have many more stories to share.
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