We rode the Shinkansen (bullet train) today, and travelled to kyoto's Fushimi Nari. It is a beautiful hike that is full of bright red torii, or red arches with Japanese charachters written on them. We walked up, up and up following staircases that were lined with these torii, and past shrines and little sacred stops. The hike lead us to viewpoints of Kyoto and we stopped for a picnic lunch by a little shrine. The torii were endless, and every corner you turned you could see more of them. This was such a neat experience. Like nothing we have in north America. There were lots of school groups again, and every so often the kids would wave or say hello. At the bottom of the hill, we stopped to enjoy cold ice cream and Inari sushi pockets made of tofu and rice. Another beautiful experience planned by my own private tour guide. Now it's off to Kobe for dinner.
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