Today we have been told by one of the other guests in the hostel that Top Gear are filming in Beijing at the Art Sector so off Nick and I went. After 3 hours of being lost we finally found where they were supposed to be but there was no sign of them so they were either never there or had already wrapped up for the day (I'm sure a 6 ½ foot white guy would have been very conspicuous if he was there!!) We then spent another 2 hours wandering aimlessly before heading back to the hostel. So not much to report apart from I managed to get a seat on the bus and the tube although I did have to practically sit on some guys lap before he would move his bag for me to sit down!! However whilst queuing for one of aforementioned buses the woman behind me spent most of the time spooning me as if it was going to make the queue move faster, she did briefly step away from me but only so she could use my shoulder as a temporary tripod for her camera. Most of you will know that I have lots of issues with regards to people invading my personal space so China is turning out to be an absolute nightmare for me!!!
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