This blog entry has been a long time coming. We've actually long left Darwin and at the mo are in Alice Springs in central Australia, very desert-y.
We spent about two weeks in total in Darwin. Good times. The weather couldn't have been any better, the town is a good size, big but not too big. A nice beach, although you couldnt swim cos of Box jellyfish, a little gutting, they also had an amazing market on the beachfront twice a week. Kim and I ate Kangaroo, and crocodie there. Very tasty. The hostel we were staying in, although everyone here calls them 'Backpackers' was nice, it had two jacuzees, but expensive.
We spent most of our days there doing boring stuff, sorting out bank accounts, tax numbers and most of all, trying to find a car. Which we've now done. We found 'Betty' (yes she has a name and gender), shes a Ford Falcon Station Wagon, is burgundy in colour, and runs on LPG aswell as unleaded, which makes her super cheap to run. A litre of LPG is 89 cents here, which must be about 30-40 pence maybe~!! not bad me thinks!
One cool thig we did do in Darwin was the Croc moving. It was at a place called Crocodylus Park. Basically we say and advert saying they were looking for volunteers to help move Crocs from one side of the site to theother. And there were millions to move. Apparently they have over 10,000 crocs in total! Crazy huh! Apart from being a park they also farm the crocs for meat and more importantly their skins. According to them you can get around 800 dollars for a good skin. Them being farmed is also good for conservation purposes too, as it saves the ones in the wild from being hunted. It was an amazing day anyways. The crocs we ere moving weere about 1.5 to 2 meters long, and pretty heavy. So so powerful though. Even after they'd been given uber electric shocks!They got the shocks behind the neck which stunned them for around 30 minutes, giving people, me included (Tom) enough time to tape their mouths closed without loosing any body parts. Then they were weighed and measured and sexed, i got to do that too. Then moved in a big truck before being set free again in another section of the park. Setting them free was pretty hairy too! Because by the time we've messed around with them for a while they're fully awake again, and not happy about it! You had to take the tape off their mouths whilst firmly hollding their mouths closed, and them throw them away from you into their new enclosure. One guy got his hand lacerated when the croc went into a death roll. He was vainly trying to keep a hold of it and the teeth that stick out of the mouth cut his hand. At least he managed to keep the mouth closed though eh!! Nothing like that happenned to me and Kim though, we were too professional ;)
Another blog entry to come along soon. We're going back to help at the Alice Springs Reptile Centre tomorrow, yaay, more massive snakes!
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