So we left Adelaide and went up the road to Cleeland Wildlife park, we bought a bag of feed and then went and had a walk around. You can feed the wallabies and roos as they are all tame. We walked up to our first gathering of roos and sure enough they ate right out of our hands!! It was so lovely to be face to face to these gorgous things!!!! We walked around and fed lots of wallabies and roos after that, I wouldnt say I went overboard with the photos but I ended up taking about 166 pics just at the wildlife park, moslty of roos!!! We got to see Koalas aswell, they were so cute as they just sat up a tree half asleep, they must be the cutest little things ever!! One slowly climbed down from its branch and sort of waddled around, it just looked like a fluffy toy!!! They had a up close and personal Koala session where you get to meet a Koala, we queued up and got to meet a cutie called Milly, who just sat there and munched leaves, we were aloud to stroke her but on her bum only (oo er!) as they feel threatened if you touch them near their head! So we patted Millies bum and took some pics! We then went and fed more roos and wallabies and felt quite sad when the feed ran out!!! We did see some other animals aswell including some wombats which are really big cute and fluffy, a tasmanian devil, some dingoes and some emus!
After the park we went to Mount Loft Summit where we got some very cold but magnificent views over Adelaide. We then drove through a little place called Hahndorf which was quite German influenced and then found a little town called Littlehampton!! It even had a train looked a bit more pleasant than our LA! We drove down through the Flerieu Peninsula to a place called Rapid Bay, the scenery was stunning and the sun was starting to set which gave everything a golden feeling! Rapid Bay was a really windy cold little beach where you guessed it, we froze for the night again!!!
We headed to Victor Harbour the next day, which was a lovely little holiday place, it had a little fairground by the beach and a horse drawn tram that went over a pier to Granite Island. Granite Islands a tiny little place where tiny penguins called Fairy Penguins live! We parked up Hooters and gave him a good clean out on the caravan park. While we were cleaning we noticed two black and white birds out the window, one was on its back with its feet in the air and the other one was trying to move it with its head, we felt sad thinking that the bird was dying and the other was trying to help it, but then it got up and started to fly around. We watched some more and the dumb birds seemed to be playing about, one would lie on its back with its feet in the air and the other one would roll it along with its beak...!? We thought they were odd birds, then another bird came and sat on Hooters and started to peck the windscreen constantly, it wouldnt go away and we named it k*** bird.
The next morning we were awoken at 6am by k*** bird who had came back to Hooters windscreen and just pecked away, no amount of verbal abuse, water, windscreen wipers or flying objects deterred k*** bird so we got up really early! We went for a walk along the pier to Granite Island, it was so cold and windy our ears were like ice. Under the pier we noticed a black taile swish past and didnt know what it was when suddenly a seal popped up the other side!! It was splashing about and showing off!!! So sweet! We walked on to the island and saw some of the little penguins sitting on the rocks they looked very cute indeedy....
The next day we made our way along the limestone coast, we were seriously low on money until the end of the month which made us feel a bit miserable along with the cold weather! We spent the next few days staying at free camps on windy grey beaches and drinking lots of tea to keep us warm. We ended up in Mt Gambier, from all the pics in the tourist brochures Mt Gambier looked really nice so we were quite looking forward to it. It turned out to be quite a rundown little place, it did have a nice big blue lake though!! We had to take Hooters in to get his shock absorber fixed which cost a bit of dosh, and thats about it for Mt Gambier!!
Next stop the Victoria state!!!
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