We arrived to find Vienna covered in snow but the campsite was well and truly open despite being hidden under a foot of the white stuff. We didn´t want to waste any precious light time, so we headed straight into town after a bowl of B´s hearty-farty lentil soup to keep us warm. The metro in Vienna is great and it dropped us right in the heart of the city, we walked up the main street of Kartner Strasse and checked out the Christmas markets which seemed to pop up every few metres with steaming gluhwein and the obligatory wurst. Unbeknownst to us we had arrived in Vienna on the opening day of the markets so we were able to partake in the opening ceremony and watch the lights on the big Christmas tree being switched on as well as hear the mayor´s speech of which we understood little. Still, it was the atmosphere that made it....
We did a bit of a market crawl to compare the various gluhwein on offer and then found a little wine bar as it really was getting quite chilly. Still, we can´t complain, Viennese Christmas markets in the snow, it doesn´t get any more authentic than that.
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