Living in Lombok in the dream on earth. Time and money do not matter, everyone is chilling day in day out and in addition the an amazing landscape the people there are more than generous.
Day two in Lombok consisted of a lot of surfing. If people tell you that surfing is exhausting, believe them, eventhough the surf guides tell you that it is easy going and you should take it easy. There is no easy in learning how to surf! Paddeling is the cruelst thing on earth! We drove with our surfguides from Lombok barrel to the surf spot. First on their scooters (we though we are going to die! There are no rules when it comes to driving. If you honk, you are allowed to do whatever you want!) Then we switched to a boad and got some explaining before they threw us into the waves. my stomach gave up after 1 1/2 hours and she started to throw up. But Marvin was amazing and cought some great waves :) Back at home - a looooooooong nap was necessary
The second day was much better :) we both caught some amazing waves, and were standing like pros on our boards. Although my stomache gave up again^^she had the same sunburn as Marvin. Just one red body from the top to the bottom.
We decided to go to Mataram, the capital city of Lombok. The girls that were working at our hotel were so nice to offer us to go with them up to Mataram. They needed to get some stuff for the hotel, so we shared a car. 6 people in one little car and the shopping trip started. First about 15 pillows were picked up, then 100000 blankets and silver ware before we come to some electronics. In the end there was more stuff in the car than air. However, they were so amazingly nice to show us araound the iseland. They took us to Sengiggi, a toursity place, and we even saw a boy getting baptised. When we walked into the mosque there was a crowed around us. Everyone wanted to touch us, because being white is being pretty :)
It is amazing to see how open and nice people are and how generious they are even when they have nothing to give expect their friendship. Our surf guide, Sundy always said:
" Well, just chill, take it easy, money does not matter when you do what you love"
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