New years eve started for us at 4:30 am, up bags packed for the day which were a few including a little sun shade tent we had bought and off we set to queue to get into Mrs Maquires point 20k capacity. We arrived to a queue of around 150 people who had camped overnight! This would have been bigger had we not found a supermarket trolley on the way and borrowed it to transport our stuff at running speed through Hyde park!!!!!
So here we sat for 4 hours until the gates opened then it was bag searches for all ( PAIN ) so the plan was Carina takes the bags (on a little trolley we had bought) and David would RUN to the SPOT we wanted. Now the distance is around 20 mins walking but is not flat or straight it bends twist turns ups and downs the whole way! We had seen many people set off running at top speed which could only end one way (WE HOPED). We got through the gates and Carina was abandoned and off I (David) went, the idea was pace myself!!! Well this went out the window with the thought that we would lose the spot so full speed, down the middle grass to avoid the road turns and sure enough the plan worked, passing all the ones running the road. Lungs screaming to stop just as the spot became visable a heap of me and blankets was created on the Gras with perfect view. Few minutes for breath then rang pants with the good news.
The day was long in hours but seemed short to us as we snozzed and played cards, loads of boats turned up and anchored throughout the day. a plane display was on for entertainment but poor in relation to red arrows!!
The 9pm family fireworks were first, Carina was worried if they were anything to go by for the 12o'clock fireworks we would be dissapointed! The boats were next all lit up for the light parade looking really impressive. then came the countdown in the last hour with single fireworks marking 15min blocks! The sky was then filled from all sides around Sydney with simultanious displays of amazing light and patterns as the theme was creation. In a breathtaking swoop the whole bridge came to life with a mass of colour swirls bangs and things we cant describe to give the grand finale of which we have never seen anything like!!! It was perfect moment and was better than we had ever expected. WE ARE GLAD WE MADE THIS ONE@!The pictures say more than we can and we hope you enjoy them.
Love us x x
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