Such tired idiots! Being tired is our excuse and excepting help from the locals no stupidity of our own....
Crossing the border you are required to fill out immigration from and get a stamp of THE COUNTRY YOUR ENTERING in your passport.
After being waved in to the Colombian office by the taxi driver we managed to bag ourselves another stamp from them other than one from Ecuador, honestly the most stupid thing I've ever done, believe it or not; even before trying to bake cupcakes in the grill.
Collecting our worthless stamp we stroll straight into Ecuador and make our way into their county, taxi to the bus stop, on the bus on our way. Luckily we got checked and chucked off in the middle of road, we had to go all the way back to the border to get the right stamp. So embarrassing! But at least it happened when it did, So the 8th taxi that day we got back on another bus and finally make our way to Otavalo..
- comments
Jody Haha sorry but that's funny (only because it was discovered so early mind). Can you imagine if it hadn't? I bet you had a fair share of knowing looks from your fellow passengers. How embarrassing. Oh and had completely forgotten about those cakes. Still look how accomplished you are now Kim (with this exception of course). You guys are amazing xx