Trailor on Tour
Weight: undisclosable
Alcohol units: far too many
People at hostel older than me: 1
Well, I'm still in Freo, although now Lisa and Matt have left I plan on moving on soon. It's official - am middle aged saddo. Spent Saturday on South Beach at the Reggae Party, which was in fact pants and consisted of one stereo which could not even be heard from the beach. Managed to have fun anyway as there were about 10 of us from the hostel and we played games on the beach and in the ocean. This was interspersed with the odd cold beer and made for a very pleasnt way to spend an afternoon - it wasn't too hot either.
We headed back at about 1800 and had dinner before heading out for the evening. My meal consisted of fresh salmon and salad, which was commented upon for it's presentation - eat your heart out Lee, I've obviously been paying attention in the kitchen at work!!
The remainder of the evening (and some of the early hours of Sunday) were spent in a bar/disco called Harbourside - could be something to do with the location! We had just made it past the entrance when the lady on the door hollered "No thongs" at me - very confused as thongs here are flip flops, not skimpy pants! So back to the hostel for a quick shoe change and when I eventually got in it transpired that I was the only one in our group not asked for ID, so I really can't pass for 18 any more.
As luck would have it the TV was on and so therefore was the rugby, but alas it was not a good evening to be English, so stayed quiet. I felt slightly homesick watching as it was being played in London and I could picture myself at home on my sofa on a miserable Saturday afternoon, with a coffee and my feet up.
Anyway - enough daydreaming - some dancing ensued and the munchies hit on the way home, therefore the Christmas Double Decker is no more, but it did last rather well I thought.
Sunday was spent feeling slightly fragile, although I was up at 0830, much to my horror. It was then time for the parade, which was in all honesty, crap (sorry, but it was). It resembled a random bunch of people wandering down the street with no aim or intentions and seemingly for no apparent reason - needless to say I didn't stay long.
Tomorrow to Rottnest Island with the 3 English girls from my dorm, which should be good. S xx
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