hi all
i've been in Nha Trang for the past 2 days its like vietnamese version of Benidorm maybe? proper holiday town, lush beaches and lots of pretty mountains. been chilling on the beach and getting drunken of course. Last night we were out until 4 am i may have fell over a few times and i now have many bruises on my arms oops. and my knee hurts. double oops. we had i would say around a million jagerbombs! we met Tongs friend who lives her she was called lovely and really was so lovely she was teeny tiny, she worked in one of the bars so we got her drunk and then her boss let her come clubbing with us! Nice boss!! the night isa blur apart from one of the girls Bridie shouting "one more" every 2 minutes i think she may be my soul mate haha. to get to Nha Trang we got an overnight sleeper train which was fun, we were first lclass whoop. (not like our first class) yesterday i went for a mud bath it was amazing!! i was well impressed my skin is now so soft then we had a mineral water hot tub which was lush just missing a glass of champers!
Had some amazing food here too its all lush noodles and pineapples, and meals are like 2 quid all proper fresh and tasty. Not had anything dubious yet although i have been warned the Vietnamese DO eat dog!! urgh!! they have no pride. I dont think Hele nwould appreciate that!!
Today i spend the day relaxing on the beach in the sunshine only 2 rainshowers so far today and small but heavy ones. and funnily enough when it rains here nothng stops... no chaos or anything and it rains really heavy too. At the beach a lovely little Vietnamese man came round selling his art on silk i have bought a lush blue scene of beachey boaty type stuff im impressed with it, i was sold the second he came over and said 'hey where you cant be russian because you are smiling' haha i loved him he said he was a famous artist and showed us loads paper clippings of him in. all his stuff was beautiful, it cost me $6 (no pound sign i mean pounds) Tong our leader whose Thai says we have been ripped off hwoever i think not! he says we will see when we get to Hoi An tomorrow. whatever! Tong is cool as hell he has 3 dogs called BBQ, Curry and Tom summit ( a thai curry name tho) hes a proper party animal and pulls both boys and girls repeatedly he is very entertaining.
Tonight we are going for food then getting the 'cockroach train' to Hoi An i just lurve skanky trains overnight sleeper too, apparently its horrendous and cockroaches everywhere boooo. im frightened!! i dont deal wll with bugs. i plan to hide in my sleep sheet until its safe as apparnetly when they put the aircon on they go away as they hate the cold? really looking forward to that...
Also a man today gave me 30dong i think for sex? its about 88p so i need to work on that if i need to earn money when i'm here.
anyways im offski guys obviously its terrible here and i cant wait to come back . NOT! LYLT xxxx
- comments
Lauren Lloyd Sounds like you're having an amazing time and drinking plenty!! Ha ha I just have one complaint - didn't you once call me your soulmate??? You soulmate slaaaaaag!!!! Ha ha. Xx
tracy im so sorry!!i have many soulmates!!!love youu!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Rachid Quản Trị Viean nf3i:Cảm ơn bạn đe3 xem qua website của chfang tf4i.Trước hết mecnh xin nf3i rf5 mecnh le0 Đại lfd Phe2n Phối Nhớt Castrol ở Q.Thốt Nốt Thuộc TP.Cần Thơ,nean khf4ng thể yeau cầu pheda cf4ng ty Castrol cho bạn le0m đại lfd được,Cf2n việc bạn nhờ chfang tf4i gifap đỡ để bạn mở 1 đại lfd thec chfang tf4i hướng dẫn bạn như sau.Bạn gọi trực tiếp đến tổng cf4ng ty Castrol ở TP.HCM với số điện thoại : 0838219153 ve0 chờ xem hướng dẫn của điện thoại viean,sau đf3 bạn đưa fd kiến của mecnh le0 muốn the0nh lập đại lfd Castrol ở khu vục của bạn,để cf4ng ty xem xe9t ve0 phản hồi lại cho bạn biết le0 cf3 thể được hay khf4ng,ve0i lời nhắn gửi,chfac bạn được như fd!