Im in Hue today. its the ex capital city of Vietnam and its canny cool. Quite like Hoi An but maybe not as good. Janine my crazy friend remembers this by singing Huuuee are ya you? do do do do. i hope you can imagine a chooon here guys!
Yesterday we got up had breakfast then got on a loveky coach for 2 hours all the way here i sat with Dr Peter who is allergic to everything. maybe. he is absolutely hillarious! i think he might be the new Dr Karl Kennedy in years to come. so for 2 hours with a stop off at some lovely scenic place in the hills really high up. the view was amazing all you could see was beautiful coastline and montanins and some ancient ruins. there was some crazy market people there who were funny 'here we have very clean toilets" mmm yep! i would like it if they visited the ladies in Debenhams they would think different perhaps!
when we got to Hue we went straight for lunch in the restaurant where ratatouille also dined and also maybe worked? there was a lovely little water feature and suddenly Anna started SCREAMING and there was a rat having a lovely little swin in it whilst waiting to be served. how sweet haha we were all tslightly traumatised as our food hadnt arrived yet. the staff tried to catch it but it had hid i hope. although i did find it slightly suspicious that when the rat dissapeared our food was ready? never mind we carrired on stuffing our faces. i got some ;lovely' rice pancakes that had prawn bacon and egg in that order in. it came with a delightful meat/rat sauce. tasty tasty. im nt sure how well my sacasm comes over on here?
after lunch we went straight on a motorbike tour of Hue which was amazing! i picked the driver with the coolest red bike, and i got a really cool helmet with visor it was canny scary at times but really fun i loved it. we went to a buddist temple where Matt got wrong off an 8 year old trainee monk for being in the temple with shoes on tut tut naughty boy haha was hillarious such a canny bairn. we then got back on the bikes to visit a lovely scenic place where there was many bunkers from the war there was a couple trying to get in on which we totally interupted oops! they jumped apart very quickly! the sun was setting over the river though and it was totally beautiful. lush moment to experience!! we also went to where they made incense and the straw rice hats shaped like a cone. they can only make 2 hats a day as it takes so long to make them, they make them with patterns in them here so when you hold them to the light there might be a heart or a boat or some random which is pretty cool! we allhad an amazing photo taken of us wearing them.
also visited some more ancient ruins where we climbed on one of the horses Janine basically picked me up and put me on it! really she just gave me a step up haha i have amazing photos of me on this horse! not sure how respectful it was but hey ho!
last night for tea we went toa deaf mans restaurant by restaurant i mean house of course. we walked in to the kitchen (mmm) then headed to his dining room which was complete with millions of pairs of his families shoes on the floor. he had a proper menu numbered so you pointed at the menu and he wrote the number good order taking. he was super cool and did a mint trick when he took the beer bottles off that involved wood and nails and a karate chop. hiiiiya! he was so sweet, i thjink he got the biggest tip anyones
had so far my meal of chicken veg and rice a beer and a coke was $2 amazing or what, it was good too. today i could have went to the Citadel however since its based on the forbidden city in china which i have seen i thought i would give ti a miss for a lie in and some chill time as its go go go here. today we get a overnight train to Hanoi 14 hours... then we get a 4 hour bus to halong bay which looks goood! just not looking forward to the long train journey althought at least i will have a bed!! a storm is due today here too its been proper hammering down with rain but thats it so far.
now time for a recap in Hoi An as i was running out of time when i last wrote... after we had been on the awful sore bum bike ride, we picked our clothes up on the way back 2 of the girls Brydie and Celia (cant spell the correct way sorry) got taxis there and back and avoided the bikes clever girls. i was last one on the bike and it was about a ten min walk back to thehotel so i decided to walk with brydie pushing my bike instead of riding it. we then couldnt see anyone from our group so went the way we thought... that didnt turn out so well. to get to our hotel we needed to go down a alley way but then we couldnt find it. but then we did find it.. not. we ended up in the crystal maze of alleyways!! it was horrible. we were basically walking through peoples living rooms awkward! it was also getting dark by this point so we were a bit concerned then we saw rats. then dogs started barking at us. all while walking past living rooms and people eating their tea. then we saw a fully naked man in the bushes! which was weird!! we finally got out of the creepy maze and we ended up next to a information book your tour here stand so we asked how to get to our hotel and she directed it wasnt too far but we can from a totally weird random was! we were lost for over 30 mins it was canny creeeepy!! it was also sad as there was no crystal or richard o'brien at the end.
then later on that night after tea we went to a bar so the boys could watch football i had some beer and a margarita (amazing) and a amaretto sour (also amazing) then me Stef and Elisabeth decided to walk home and not get the motor taxi (big mistake) in true tracy style we got lost again!! we found a map to look at that we got from the hotel but realised we were off the map. there was no one around other than rats, grasshopped and cockroaches. nice. we made it back eventually though but its scary here as everywhere looks the same and not much street lighting.
anyways i think thats enough for today. please also apprwciate i have wrote this wholething on a mustard colour screen. NICE.
peaceout!! xxxx
- comments
Beth you have just made my day at work!! team drama on top form with this entry! every other sentence has something to do with a rat, (slightly worrying, as is the naked man in a bush!!!!) u will be pleased to know u r keeping us all amused with these lovely updates. THANKS!! xxxx
tracy haha i aim to please :) go team drama!! xxxxx
Emma eeeee lady morren, you have had me bad laughing at your updates. you sound like your having a lorra fun oot there!! missing you lots but so pleased your enjoying everything - just stay safe and return in one peice oh and of course a crate of 35p beer!! lots of love emma xxxxxxxxx
kenneth morren glad to see you are lovin it. watch out for the dodgies. try not to get too lost in the dark. love ma n pa xxxxxx
John Brady Tracy - keep these stories going. Me thinks a book deal could come out of this blog :) Your tales are so outrageous that you don't realise the scary parts - getting lost TWICE in a dodgy part of town (I assume it was dodgy or do naked men hide out in bushes in the town centres as well :)) Keep the stories coming but for God's sake stay safe. XXX
Jennie Hi Tracy!! Glad you're having lots of fun but as John says and what I told you before you went....STAY SAFE!! Stop walking in scary parts of town. Get a taxi for Gawds sake lassie!! I'll be having a bloody heart attack every time I come on here now!! Lol. Have fun seetles, Lots of love JB.
Jennie That was meant to say sweetie, what the hells seetles?? ha ha. xx
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