Hi guys!
Time for another blog. I've got quite a bit to cover here. So bear with me!
So when I wrote last I was in Spain on holiday. It was a lovely holiday, the weather was great, the food was great and the company was great.
I really enjoyed it. Although, I was quite unwell, I had a bloody throat infection. I thought I was going to die!! It was awful! Men couldn't deal with that pain! I had to go to the pharmacy and get some strong pain killers, antibiotics and later some throat spray. All quite cheap too, probably around £7 for the lot!
The food as well, was so cheap and amazing! Out of this world! It was so fresh and large portions! I gained like half a stone!! It makes you realise how stupidly over priced everything is in Britain! But let's not go into that. It would take me a lifetime to list all the problems with Britain and quite frankly my dear, I can't be bothered!
I also got to use my amazing Spanish speaking skills, whether the people understood me is another matter. People don't understand me in English let alone any other language!
After the amazing holiday, that I didn't want to leave, I came back home to Doncaster. I wish it was under better circumstances though, unfortunately a dear friend of my mum passed away while I was on holiday and I came home to be with her for the funeral.
Those who know my mum know that she is very particular about who she calls friends and Zoey was very special to my mum. It was heartbreaking to see my mum in so much pain but at least Zoey is no longer in pain and looking down on us smiling.
While I was home I was able to spend some quality time with some dear friends, who i have known for coming up to 10 years and I would not change them for the world. They're so weird and wonderful!
I went for a night out in good old Doncaster with my friend mike. It was hilarious!!! Now Doncaster hasn't change at all on a night out. Still the same chavvy place with fights in the street and girls with dresses barely covering their nether-regions! Ok I'm starting to sound like my mum! It's true though!!!
But it was so funny, got to see some old faces, go to the local haunts and had a laugh. Drank a bit too much and danced a lot and finally got home at 3am, it was supposed to be a quiet night finishing at 12! I blame Michael! Such a bad influence! As always!
Now I'm back in the south, one week down at work and two to go! I can't believe how quickly the time is going by! Too quickly! I know I always say this but it really is! This time in one month I could potentially be on a ship! Scary thought!
It was mine and Charlie's leaving party last night. Charlie has left to go to Brighton uni and I wish her all the best! She will love it!
It was an interesting night, the meal was a bit of a disaster though, delayed food and wrong orders but Jo soon sorted that and ended up getting us a 3rd off our bill. Score! Then it was off to aldershot for a night out, and that never fails to entertain.
So much like Doncaster it's uncanny. Same chavs and girls with no clothes and cellulite hanging out. So attractive. Best thing is, they end up pulling??? Clearly these people have no class or pride, dignity or self respect! But I digress! Yet another problem with britain!
All in all it was a good night with my good friends, despite a few tiffs and weird stalker men.
Does it stop us going out? Haha don't be daft!!!
I really need to spend more time with my friends before I go but time is running out. I have a feeling I'm going to be very busy for the next few weeks!
I'm sorry if this blog has been boring, I'm feeling slightly delicate despite not drinking that much!!! Oh age doesn't deal with alcohol!!
A bientôt!
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