Hey Everyone!!
So how are you? I'm grand! If not slightly distracted by Glee, oh the quality of the programmes on crew TV... It's surprisingly addictive.
So, for those who haven't heard, quite a bit has changed. I'm not longer on my beloved Braemar. Nope. I've transferred to Black Watch as Shop Manager - woop go me!!
Argh, being distracted by Glee again.
Stupid TV, i would turn it off but it's quite weird being alone in a cabin when you have been used to company for the last 3 years.
Back to Black Watch, I really like this ship. It has been so easy to adjust to life here, much easier than i thought it would be. It probably helps that i know many people here from the other ships, i didn't feel like i was coming onto the ship alone. And now more than 2 weeks have gone by and it feels like i've been here forever. I feel so settled, apart from the odd wrong turn when i get lost in some part of the ship, but i have my group of friends and i know who to avoid as well.
It's always funny when joining a new ship, because when you're new you become a novelty... don't get me wrong, it's very flattering and hilarious at times but it can also be exhausting and annoying. I know what you're thinking - this beautiful girl must be used to all the attention, it's a day to day occurrence - and though you are right... it's just not easy being me..... hahahahahahaha! But seriously, the people here will soon learn that i wasn't born yesterday and i know every trick in the book and although it is very flattering, they would probably show the same affection if i were to have scales and warts - it's just because i am new and female and have a heart beat that makes me interesting... soon they will realise that i'm actually boring and not worth the attention - yeah right. I'm a delight!!
So we are currently doing another Adriatic cruise and it lovely. I love the Adriatic; Italy, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Malta... these are all beautiful countries and i envy anyone who lives there. The buildings are works of art and the locals are proud of it... in England we either deface our architecture or tear it down to make way for generic monotonous buildings with no character or story except conformation. But that's my opinion.
I have seen so many unbelievable places in the last 3 years and I have to remind myself how lucky i actually am to be travelling around the world, doing a job i love and getting paid for the privilege.
I have been talking to Zoe recently about ship life and i know everyone who sees my photos and reads my blog just thinks that i am on a permanent vacation. But it is hard bloody work. Imagine a job where days off are like gold dust and a 14 hour day is the norm. Yes we may wake up in a different country every couple of days, but we work damn hard for it. Especially now i am manager, i find myself working an extra hour or two here and there, taking a shorter break just so i can make sure everything is done and correct... This is only short term, once i get myself even more settled i'm positive i will be able to balance work and rest more equally, but then again, it is my job... with more power becomes more responsibility. Ah, c'est le vie... i love my life regardless.
I do miss not being at home for special events though. It's my brothers 18th birthday while i'm away and it kills me that i will miss it. I can't believe he is all grown up now... 18!!!! It doesn't seem like two minutes since he was calling me bee bee and wanting to be carried everywhere. Oh what's mum going to do? All her babies have grown up and have flown the nest or about to... except one. He's not daft, he's got a cushty deal and he knows it hahaha.
There was a lovely ceremony tonight on the aft of the ship. A guest was paying respects to his ship that sank many many years ago, i'm not sure how long exactly. I think i was told that the guest was 100 years old and his ship had sank along with the majority of the crew and he was one of the few lucky survivors. I can't imagine what this gentleman has gone through or may still be going through. It was such a heart warming ceremony, though it was very brief. I have so much respect for this gentleman even though i have never met him and if i were to see him tomorrow i would not know it. To lose so many friends and colleagues, except these people would not have just been friends and colleagues.. anyone who has or still does work on ships would tell you that these people become family... We spend 10 months out of 12 on ships together, and yes we don't always get along, but what family does?
Another weird thing about transferring ships is that i feel like i am starting a fresh contract. I have just done 6 months on the Braemar and normally at this point i would be exhausted, but i don't feel too bad... famous last words. Probably all the coffee i'm drinking - yes i drink coffee now! I have another 1.5 months to go of this extended contract and then its home time and as always i have so much planned. So many people to, places to go and things to do. It's supposed to be a time of rest but it never is, and i wouldn't have it any other way.
Until then, i still have some amazing cruises. The first one, a mini cruise to Dublin!! Yeah boy! Man I love Dublin and i cannot wait! Then it is Norway, which is neither here nor there for me... It is a beautiful country, don't get me wrong, but i've done it so many times over the years, i want new places. New places, like Canada!! And that's where we are going the cruise after. A 28 day cruise around Canada!!! Exciting!!! And!!!! I'm going to the Grand Prix (hopefully) in Montreal - super duper excited!!! I've always wanted to go to Canada and hopefully this year i will go twice!! But the Grand Prix! Boom! How jealous are you! Come on safety car!!
I think that's all i have to say for now. It is now 00:38 and i need to collect laundry, watch NCIS and mentally prepare for boat drill... the glamour of it all!!!!!
Speak to you all again soon, i will try and do this more often, but i'm too busy enjoying my permanent vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Muchos Besos!
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