As promised I'm attempting to keep up with the blogs!
Well my vacation is now over and it's back to the ships I go... But not any old ship.. It's back to Braemar!!! Yay!
It feels weird being back though... But also very nice and homey.
It was quite a surprise for most of tr crew who didn't know I was coming back, bless them. Quite a few of the crew are currently on their vacation so ill be seeing them in the following weeks when they embark.
So... This is actually currently day 3 of my contract and we are in Norway! Beautiful country and beautifully expensive! But it's worth it, we've just left Stavanger and are en route to Skjolden and Flam... I've not been to these places though... So exciting!!
It certainly has been a shock to the system with working like this and walking so much and using so many stairs, my legs, back and feet ACHE!!! But it's on temporary... I'll be back to the old Kim in no time.
On the subject of the old Kim, apparently the new Kim is boring!!!! Me! Boring!!! All because I've not been drinking recently! I've only been back 2 nights! Give me chance guys!! It's because they are used to a more party animal Kim.... I'm getting old now!! The ship ages you!!! Seriously!!! I have wrinkles!! If I didn't dye my hair I'd be sure it was grey!! The ship and parties make you old before your time!! And does that stop us?? Nope!!! We love it!! Saying that I'm going to a gathering tonight - not to get drunk though but just to hang out with everyone again... Like the old times!
I am struggling this contract though... Feeling a little home sick and miss my man... I didn't have this last time, a long distance relationship can be hard and very lonely but I know we can do it. I'm the one that wanted to do ships, I'm the one that wanted to have my cake and eat it... So I will make it work.... My blog picture is actually something he sent me haha... It is me down to a tee and he has to do deal with it :-D
We've had a good few weeks though, he's met my family and more friends and I've met his family and friends and all seems well.
We had a good trip to Thorpe park with Zoe and Sam and that was fun if not tiring... 37 year old men getting hyper and acting like 12 year old boys didn't help the fatigue!! But short of punch him in the face, what ya going to do?? Not that I would punch him in the face... I'm not a violent person at all.... And I love him too much!
So yeah, missing him and my family and my friends.... My parents took me to the train station when I left Doncaster and that was quite emotional, trying not to cry on the train... Why do people do it to you???
Anything nothing else worth mentioning I don't think at the moment... Next cruise is Spain, France and Italy which I'm looking forward to!
Anyway time to play candy crush and not advance from the current level cos it's too hard!!!!!!!
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