Hey People!!!
Another glorius hot day in Sydney, which does beg the question as to what the chuff I'm doing in an Internet cafe when I should be on the roof in me budgie smugglers cooking slowly!
Well as you may or may not realise, I'm meant to be leaving Sydney in about ohhh 3 days and as of yet I have no where to go or anyway of getting there, which dictates that I should be here looking for hostels and transport rather than enjoying the sunshine. But I can cope with it especially since where I am going (Mildura Victoria) is currently heating up to about 42 degrees a day - doesnt that sound like fun!!!!I've got a few places to call but need to get my butt in gear and do them!!
In other news - as some of you may have got text msgss from me gloating about it on the way to work on Monday Morning, I went to see the Scissor Sisters!! They were as usual CHUFFING BRILLIANT!!! Am sure they get better each time they do a show, was really good, came out of the arena buzzing. Have uploaded some pics as well as per me and my camera going everywhere. Also not sure whats going on back home with the music but defo keep an eye out for a band called Sneaky Sound System - not sure if you will have heard of them yet but they are wicked. Either buy or "download" their album as it is really good and I'm sure some of you will appreciate their kinda techno 80's sty-lee!!!!
Other photo's uploaded are from my last day at Flexirent, just a few people in a bar bit like casa, wee bit drunk then i got kicked out for being a wee bit too drunk (How Rude!!)
Anyway kids enjoy and hope to hear from you soon
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