Timmy's Travels
Ok possibly a bit of a long update today a got some time to kill and wanna mention a few things about USA before I move completely onto Oz.
First a word of warning, if you ever happen to find yourself in the terrible situation of being in LA then my advice to you is GET OUT AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE!!!
Maybe it had something to do with the scary people on the greyhound bus, the dodgy back streets it stopped in or the fact that all the streets looked like the ones you see on the news with the headline MAN SHOT DEAD IN LA underneath them but I really didn't like it especially compared to the gorgeousness of San fran, just needed to get that off my chest, if you wanna go california then go to San fran cuz its beautiful!!!
Next - TIP CULTURE, now I know that in the UK the average tip is about 10% of the bill and even that is discretionary so we don't have to pay it if we don't want to but not so in the gold ol US Of A. Firstly the tip percantage rises to around 17 - 23% of the bill, also you HAVE to pay it for fear of some chef or dodgy barman doing something unquestionable to your order and secondly you have to tip BARMEN for doing their job!!!
If I tip someone its cuz they have gone beyond their usual job and given brilliant service and I've had a good time etc, I don't tip someone just for gettin me a pint when I asked for it I mean ya don't tip the people in mcDonalds for getting your order right!!! but there we go, guess i'll never be fully Americanised hahahahaha
Oh one more thing if your ever in California then forget McDonalds and go to IN N OUT, faast food but the best fast food burger i've ever had, well except dodgy burgers at 3am but they're completely different hahahaha
Ok now for a subject that will bridge the gap nicely between US & Oz, its quite simply JOGGING. At first I thought it was just a California thing, you know be beautiful, drink coffee, but its here in Sydney as well. Walking around today by the harbour and there are loads of people jogging. I mean its all much too much exercise, but its non stop and they get to a certain point and then turn around and jog back the other way. It was the same in San fran, all done the docks there were people jogging any time of day & night. Now I'm not one to nit-pick but don't these people have jobs???? I just did what I do best, sat on a bench, soaked up some sun and sat and smoked whislt watching them all!!!
And Now onto Sydney, I've just come back from a walk around the city and I like it. The weather was a little chilly this morning but has picked up to roughly 18 degrees celcisus but it is there winter after all so cant really complain (hahahahaha) The Harbour Bridge & Opera House are both beautiful, I did a guided tour of the Opera House and its very beautiful inside as well. Not sure if its the heat or what but I am debating if to do the Harbour Bridge Walk???
The harbour Bridge Walk is simple, you walk UP (not across) the harbour bridge, so basically by the time you get halfway your on top of it, think I will give it some more thought, let me know what you think!
Oh also they have a Sky Tower and its higher than the harbour bridge, 360 views etc etc BUT they also do a Sky Walk, whcih is that your harnessed onto a large platform with a glass floor and your sent off the edfe of the building so basically your stood on mid-air very high abouve the ground.....also a possibility!!! This from a a guy who wont go on Apocolaypse @ drayton Manor cuz he doen'st like heights!!!
Anyway i'm gonna get off and get on with some stuff (starts with a D ends in a G and has RINKIN in between)
have fun kids!!!!!
P.s Jules you will love it here!!!!
P.P.s Apologies for awful spellings but typing fast!!
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