Hello, Hello And Hello!!
Sorry not been in touch sooner but with moving states it gets kinda difficult to log on. Well here I am in North Western Victoria, in a (very) small town called Red Cliffs, which is just outside another small town called Mildura. I'm here to do my 3 months harvest work for my visa, been here a week so far and knackered already.
Staying in a place called Bev & Micks, advertised in a backpacker mag saying it would be full of fun and frolics - hardly, the only thing to do really here is drink and have spent most of my money doing that now so kinda run out of stuff to do!!!!
Am doing citrus fruits at the moment, oranges and grapefruits and its w*** - biggest pile of poo on the face of this earth, have only been doing it a week but feel like giving up already so gonna see how much I get paid this week and then prob jack it in and do either grapes or sultana's, which can earn more money doing.
Also this week: Been chased by a mad dog/wolf after group of us went for a walk thru the town and ended up in a building site, had spider crawl up my leg, lost flip flops been stung by a bee for the first time in my life and then today was driven down the wrong way on a dual carriageway!!!
Not all bad tho, met some cool people and having a bit of fun when the moment presents its self. Gotta go as money running out but promise will get some pics up on here soon.
Love and miss you all
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