Hello Folks,
Sorry for absolute slackness on the website, having laptop trauma which makes things alot harder to update.
Anyway, have turned a corner and arrived in Bangkok, Southern China was great and will post poscard and pics as soon as.
Visited a huge market yesterday here, back in lovely sunny weather, so glad to swap my dripping with sweat t-hirt for a shiny new fake diesel one for a quid. Also saw lots f cunning westerners buying in bulk, nice little salt and pepper shakers etc, no doubt for their flourishing ebay businesses or to sell at 1000% markup at Spitalfield market. Can you hear the cogs whirring in our heads from there? Today the rains have come forcing us to do nothing, which is exactly what we had planned for luckily. We will be heading north soon to Chang Mai and into Laos then Vietnam, to give us more time there.
We'll be back in Bangkok twice more before Christmas so lots of time to buy all the tat, (quality ethnic goods), you may be getting for Xmas, requests under 100 baht accepted. - Yes, bout One Pound Forty - what do you want blood! Hope to hear from you's all soon,
T and D xx
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