Tim and Debbie's Travels....
Hi everyone,
Arrived in Hong Kong, very pleased with ourselves for getting on the right bus to Kowloon, near our hostel, even though all the signs are in English too. Got to the 15th floor of our block, which was a bit like the building in the Towering Inferno...after the fire... and were shown to our windowless cell. But soon realiased the fact it was clean and cockroach free was a blessing. We heard some real horror stories from other people!!
Hong Kong is a great place, all the chaotic nature of China with an English twist. Marks and Spencer and Harvey Nics in full effect! We spent the first couple of days sorting things out. Tim managed to get his laptop fixed by a one George Wong, I got a brand new ipod under warrenty, what a result, and a tasty new phone. Plus I am now fully kitted out with a proper camera with a lense and everything and Tim is trying to teach me the tricks of the trade!!!!
We did the most British thing possible and took high tea at the Peninsula Hotel, which was great, most of the time was spend trying to convince other tourists doing the same thing, that we do that sort of thing every day. How vulgar to be taking photos while we munched on our third scone.
Other highlights included the exhilerating 45 degree ride to the top of Victoria Peak by cabletram only to be followed by possibly the worst meal of our trip so far, but you take the rough with the smooth.....also visited the great temple street market, caught the famous star ferry across the harbour and got shown round some dubious bars on Hong Kong Island by a cool Hong Kong guy, Hi Hugo!!, we had met before near Mount Fuji, very messy, but alot of fun.
Also did a bar crawl jumping on and off the longest escalator in the world, such a shame it only goes one you can't have a snooze on the way back down.
Headed back into Mainland China, leaving in a black rain storm, thought we we stuck there for a while, but fluked a beauty and caught a great sleeper train to get us to Guilin for the morning.....looking forward to our return to Homg Kong before our next flight to Bangkok.
Over and Out, Tim and Deb xx
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