Explored the Old Town, scoffed grub in the famous Coca Cola Cafe, about as untouristy a place gets while still being listed in the lonely planet, and drank in the bar zone. That pretty much sums up our stay in Panama City. Its a funny place with condos and high rises shooting up quicker than a rat up a drainpipe for the hordes of americans piling in by the thousands.
Theres probably more to Panama than we discovered, but out hotel room was so nice (air con, cable, super comfy beds), and you get to appreciating those home comforts after almost a week on a boat. Other highlights include: first McDonalds in a very long time, Jodi getting her bag slashed with a rusty bladed "punta" in the market. (She didn't get anything tho, except a mouthful of abuse)
Did manage to visit the world famous Panama Canal which, as huge canals go, was pretty impressive and watched a big old container ship passing through. All big boats and big chains.
Also had a farewell meal in the city with Paula and her friend at local pizza joint, "cheap and good - Schweeeet". Time for another beach, Yup.
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