15th June
Stevie and I are both still sick. It was a weird night on the boat. All the Brazilian guys kept playing the same 2 songs over and over, but it wasn't even the whole song. It was literally the first word. Then they would all take turns singing it back in a high pitch voice.
We saw the biggest cockroach on deck.
We finally got to Manaus!!! At 10.30! The couple next to us must have felt sorry for us as they gave us 4 oranges as they got off.
Lifting up our bags revealed loads of bugs looking for some daily shade. It was hard walking and find our bearings as it as been so long since we did anything other then lay in our hammocks. Due to the loss of weight, dehydration, diarrhea and nausea we decided to go against our original plan or walking and opt for a taxi. We told several taxis where we wanted to go (appropriatly named manaus hostal) and all refused??? We think they said it was only a 5min walk.
Barely alive we decided to trek to the hostel. The streets were busy the air was humid. We are both dying of thirst. We could not find this hostel anywhere. On the verge of giving up, bags sprawled over the pavement, Stevie propped up against a tree trying to be sick. I lady approached us from a bank and asked if we needed water. I quickly showed her the map. Luck would have it the hostel was around the corner.
Tired and exhausted we struggled to sign in. We managed to get our own room due to our bowl movements, but the toilets were communal anyway...
I needed food and antibiotics. Armed with all my money I headed off. I go to the pharmacy and they could not understand a word I was saying. I asked if they had Internet, but they didn't all hope was lost on my hand gestures until a lady stepped in with an IPad (thank you Mr Jobs) google loaded up I managed to find a translation website! The whole conversation via IPad managed to get me two packets of pills that I really didn't need and left me R30 short. I also discovered that I can not get antibiotics unless I have a subscription from a doctor!! Defeated I went and ordered pizza. I ordered two but only got one that was split in half between the two pizzas I wanted. I couldn't be bothered to correct her so headed back to the room. Stevie and I scoffed the pizza down. (It tasted so good, I had been dreaming of this on the boat) only for it to come out the other end moments later.
I have decided to lay off the Imodium and drink loads of water and eat frosties. Hopefully they will help.
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