15th August 2012
After pancakes and sugar puffs for breakfast we are on the road at 6am heading to Sol de Mañana, boiling hot mud holes which emitted sulphurous gas, the gas smelt like the worst eggy fart, but the pressure of the gas shooting into the air was impressive. When the sun rose to illuminate the gases it created a mystical atmosphere as the suns light caught different parts of the gas. Below the gas were pockets of bubbling mud.
After posing for a couple of photos, it begin smelling and we were freezing so we jumped back into the jeep to the Termas de Polques, Sulfurous water at 30° producing natural hot Springs, being 7ish am and at 4,200m it was freezing, so we all quickly stripped down to our swimwear, ran to the spring and jumped in...., it was amazing. so hot, so relaxing. While the young members of all the tours relished the spring against the bitter coldness of its surroundings. The older members remained fully clothes for an arctic winter on the edge of the spring taking photos. Lacking the youth and courage to submerge, engulf and indulge.
It was a mission to get out the spring to expose our bodies to the cold air, maybe this was what the older members had foreseen. Wisdom with age had gave them hindsight. Any way we had to dry off and head to Laguna Verde, a green lake south west Bolivia at 5000m, that was dominated by Volcán Licanabur.
As the lake was partially frozen it did not glow the emerald green it was famous for.
We then drove across Salvador Dali desert. Unsure why it is called this. Although it did have some randomly placed rocks. We stopped off for lunch, where we managed to get photos of Llamas before heading to Rock Valley. You guessed it. Another valley of huge rocks. A quick stop in San Cristobal and a little car nap we arrived back in Uyuni by 5pm, time to have dinner, check the web and collect our bags before heading to our 7pm bus to Potosi......
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