Well after the very embarrassing and god awful defeat of the all blacks last night and heading to bed almost straight after. We were kindly woken up by lots of drunk people at 2am pretty much screaming and laughing at the top of their voices for a good hour or so, why I’m not sure because they were all sat together in the other side of the bunk room. I had to put my headphones in to try and block them out with music.
Wasn’t amused when most of
Then felt half okay after drinking a few bottles of very dry and acidic wine each last night, some of them were whitewater rafting and horse riding this morning haha.
Couldn’t believe how hot this place actually was today compared to yesterday and he rest of the time we have been here actually. Maybe because we were sheltered completely by high mountains but it must have been hitting about 20-25 degrees sat by the river listening to the world go by. It was bloody lovely!
A steep walk up to the bus before the long bus journey today down to Wellington, the scenery (I keep going on about this) but my gosh it’s so pretty! Massive mountains and the fields are all hilly but a mixture of teletubbie hills and what you can tell used to be mini volcanoes with grass covering them. Sheep everywhere, miles of land with no sight of houses or people living anywhere. No traffic either, just the odd few cars and campervans passing us. And huge mountains in the distance with snow on the peaks. Gold stars for scenery and we aren’t even amongst the thick of the mountains and volcanoes in the South Island yet! You don’t mind being in a bus when the views are this good! (Even better with not a cloud in the sky!)
There are no traffic/speeding cameras anywhere! At all. Probably because there aren’t any people really anywhere but still... it’s weird not seeing speeding cameras trying to catch you out anywhere.
The drive was good getting into Wellington. The capital of NZ, it was moved here because the north feared the south were slowly becoming independent from them years ago.
It was dry, not sunny though.; and bloody windy! Checking the rather forecast when we got to base hostel was showing 45km/h winds! The windows were rattling making what felt like the whole building rattle. Not a soothing thought when your driver tells you that wellington runs directly over a tectonic fault line and was supposed to have the earthquake more so than christchurch in 2016, making wellington 40 years overdue for an earthquake... bloody fantastic. Not to worry though, it’s built like japan here so most places shouldn’t fall down if there were one. Positive thoughts, positive thoughts!
Weren’t long and we back out up the road to the welsh dragon bar to watch the semi finals against South Africa. Great atmosphere lots of welsh accents and welsh valley people with their different personalities - always a circus when you get one from Cardiff, Swansea, Merthyr, Pontypridd and aberwrystwyth (it however you spell it).
Not a good night for the dragons against the springboks... let’s go South Africa for the final win next weekend! Heartbroken and unable to avoid thinking about bed we headed back and called it a night.
Not a bad night sleep, only woke up at silly o’clock this morning because the two girls in our room were catching the early morning bus. It must just be us that thinks about others in our room when we have to get up early by trying to keep a lid on the noise and movement around the room. They were like two bloody elephants around the place!
At least it was a nice day even though the wind sounded like it was going to blow the building down or smash the windows in. The forecast gave it sunny at 17 degrees but with 38km/ph wind.
Perfect for a walk up to the top of mount Victoria then... we got absolutely blown away up there! Although it was worth it because we had a full 360 degree view of wellington and the mountains surrounding the city.
We walked down over the other side of the mountain to oriental bay, the houses are incredible! All tucked into the mountain over looking the bay, with great big floor to ceiling bay windows and balconies, sun shining on them! Ahh they looked so appealing, we found a beauty that looked like it didn’t have anyone living in it (no furniture, no car.) But... a window left open in the second floor, the temptation to become squatters set in for a while before our clogs worked and we realised that we wanted to actually stay in New Zealand for a while before being kicked out.
A quick stop in the new world supermarket where we definitely fell in love! This place was amazing, they had yams! Ys look very similar to I’m a celebrity get me out here’s eating challenge ‘witchity grubs’. The deli, bakery, cake counter, amazing different salad counters, cheese options and they even had almost an entire aisle dedicated to hummus! Absolutely fabulous in there it was! Whilst I was amused at the hummus and all the different fruit and nut mixes Ellie was just as amused with the size on the cinnamon rolls, all the different fruit filled danishes and chocolate covered donuts. We didn’t cave though, we were extremely strong and just left with a cream cheese bagel, two cucumbers and a 6 pack of old mout 8% apple cider which we personally think is an accomplishment, eating is cheating afterall and once we got on the old fashioned cable car up to the not so botanical gardens we were having a cider and bagel picnic! Even if it meant we were to be almost blown away up there.
Not so sure sitting on the grass up against a park bench with a crate of cider at 2 in the afternoon is the most sensible idea we’ve had because (no we weren’t quite smashed) but we have learnt how weak our bladders are, you really have no idea how so very close we were to peeing behind a tree. We couldn’t walk or run probably and we took a wrong turn into the discovery garden instead of the children’s playground toilet... haha wise choices from us, god our parents should be proud of us drinking cider on a bank holiday Monday in a park and running through a children’s playground to get to their toilets half cut with very almost pissy pants.
We were like new women after that toilet stop though, walked through the park enjoyed the fresh air and after a while took the cable car back down and walked through the bay front before having a late afternoon monged out at the hostel watching hunger games on the tele and doing some washing. I must say we are great at functioning after a few bevvies!
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