Time to leave rotorua for the next place! But first to the volcanic geysers to see the water and steam spurting out of them into the sky.
It’s pretty cool to see, that it’s not actually controlled by anything except the earths core and boiling hot magma that’s only 7km underneath us.
We got to boil an egg in a hot pool, which used to be used for cooking years ago by the Maori tribes. The eggs were dipped into the after in a thin cotton bag within a bad weaved from thick strong fern leaves.
Cooked perfectly aswell!
Afterwards we headed towards Taupo and stopped off at Huka Falls on the way, the only river that leaves the 120km long lake in Taupo. The water is so so clear and turquoise it’s very pretty and picturesque! But very bloody cold on land even though it’s sunny!
We were doing the sail Barbary boat trip tonight, pizza and or own booze on board with a ride through the lake and over to see the Maori rock carvings which were made only about 40 years ago but were pretty cool considering the guy that carved them had to do so by hanging from the rock face over the sea to carve them. He made lizards and sun gods out of the mini rocks around there aswell, not sure how they do it without cracking the rock, very skilful!
It was super bumpy with an almost 2 metre swell so there was no chance of us being able to get off and jump in the water without getting swallowed up by the water.
The captain let us into a few facts of the lake of which I can’t remember all of but some included the lake used to be one of the biggest volcanoes in the world that erupted 25,000 years ago and caused 90% of extinction in New Zealand, and the lake is used for heating and electricity because its so pure from the volcanic rock and volcanic springs/magma underneath it. They pump it out and turn it into steam and use it loads of places around New Zealand.
He also said that New Zealand is working at 83% renewable energy and are working hard to being 100%. The boats on the lake are electric powered by water and solar panel so there isn’t petrol going into the lake because they use it for drinking water, washing, heating, electricity. The UK are in the Roman ages behind this place.
Afterwards we had cheap drinks in the Mexican bar next door becausewe were all stopping in the hostel and it was ladies night so free pineapple vodka punch for us!
Ellie was a little worse for wear getting home, I had to hoist her up the ladder into the bunk bed. Haha!
Friday 25th October, it’s not raining! Woohoo!
Time to go jet boating, just me and Ellie booked this excursion from the bus which was surprising because it’s so much fun! We were on a boat with a few others from different tours.
The boat can go forward backwards and twist around super super fast because of their funny engine, Ellie was a screamer the entire way around of course haha. It was so much fun! Such an adrenaline seeker haha.
A very chilled afternoon after that and bit of a shop to find some damn thermals because we are bloody freezing and a little worried that its cold now but going to get even colder as we go south! Bloody New Zealand spring time!
Plus side is that they’re going into summer soon so their thermals were on half price sale, result!
Looking forward to moving on tomorrow, looking at the map it doesn’t feel like we have travelled very far through the island because we have gone right, right, down and right again through the island.
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