Oh Hokitika (pronounced like 'hokey' from the hokey pokey i learnt from many new zealanders) I fell in love with this seaside town as soon as i arrived at the hostel where Chris and Maire dropped me off. This nice hostel just outta town was like a share house, very homely and right on the beach!
I dropped of my gear then went for a walk into town along the beach, this beach once i describe it to you will probably think it ugly (which it kinda was) but i loved it cause i havnt seen anything like it before! It had dark sand with patches of scattered rounded pebbles along the shoreline and along the entire coast driftwood that was soooo smooth was scattered in abundance! The water was a dark misty colour because of the dark sand bgut that didnt seem to matter. Later i also realised what might of helped my liking towards this beach, its that it had no sand flies or mossies or anytihng like that as well as no seaguls, so that probably helped me make my decision!
I ended up walking past the township because I enjoyed the beach so much! But that didnt matter at all. I then headed into town for some lunch, stopped off at a really nice cafe (mum you woulda loved this place) called 'The cheese and deli', It had a large cheese room to one side and the had plenty of deli food as well as a basix but tasty menu! The coffee was great and the atmosphere was brilliant, alot better than the deserted streets of the town (it was as if the town was too big for how many people where living there, almost as if half the shopfronts were empty) I had french toast with bacon and maple syrup and wait for it! They musta been roasted or grilled bananas halves in their own skin! Was delicious! I then continued to stroll around town and signed up for a jade carving workshop the next day where i was to carve my own jade necklace!
It worked out alright cause the weather wasnt that great so i couldnt enjoy the beach too much so being inside designing my owen necklace was good fun, although i felt as if i were back in high school again, it was weird! After a design came to mind the whole process took about 5 -6 hours to complete my piece. It took alot of concentration and hard work, tedeious at times too! But the end result was awesome and I am so proud of myself for creating somehitng outta a block of jadestone that i would never have thought I could make! Ill put a pic up of it asap!
The rest of the time in Hokitika was just chilling out with the folks back at the hostel, met some very nice kiwis and an american and a german who sounded like an american then a pom then a german hahaha (oh by the way a gurantee in a NZ hostel is that one of the first few ppl ull meet is a german! they are everywhere!!! just take a stab of where there from and 9 times outta 10 they are german!)
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