As you can see the title of todays section is Wildlife!!!! Thats because we went to Cairns tropical Zoo. It was awesome. And yes we did see some of what is shown in the picture....Rainbow Lorikeets, Sam fed them, I was feeling slightly less brave at this time, although this was following feeding a very slobbery Kangaroo and stroking a snake and Koala bear, so for me this is quite good, as most of you will know I am petrified of animals. The zoo was really good, they did lots of presentation, we went to talks about the snakes, koalas, red panda. Saw a bird show and saw a very stupid man get in with a crocodile and poke it with a big stick!! I did walk through numerous aviaries, even the one with a hawk in it. All in all I think I was very brave and hopefully Sam will put the pictures up soon. It was so different to Zoo's in England though, it was so green and the animals were all (well mainly) native to Australia. I didnt realise that Koala's were quite so lazy though, the do nothing. Unfortunately though Chloe there were no drop bears, think we're going to have to search further for those.
Last night we went to a night market and wandered round Cairns, found the harbour but the majority of the boats are tour ships, nothing like what you see in Monte Carlo though. I even bought a Sarong, so I expect people to be looking forward to the pictures of me wearing it (potentially they could be quite hilarious). Had dinner at the hostel last night, it was an all you can eat buffet, kinda on a mexican theme, wraps and nachos etc. Sam stuffed herself so moaned that she felt fat all the time we wandered round Cairns.
What else have we been doing........oh yes.......sharing a room with a very weird girl. She was in our room the first night we were here and stormed in and turned the air con off half way the night, basically as soon as she came to bed (a bit rude considering that there were 4 ppl asleep in the room) but then she left very early in the morning, so we were pleased, Then we got back yesterday and she had reappered. So there then ensued a battle with her opening the windows and us closing them and turning the air con on. She had a go at us when we came to bed for no reason so we had a good moan in the toilets and then went back into the room very noisily. You think the air con battle it bad, well the worst thing is she insisted on wandering around the room wearing absolutely nothing...........I mean I dont generally have a problem with people being nude but when your sharing a room with two randomers I dont think its the nicest thing to do. But again she left this morning and hopefully she wont be back.
Also had a very strange encounter with a weird man on the beach, this I wont go into though lol!!!
Other than that I dont think there's anything else to report at the moment. Going to do some shopping later and go to the nice pool by the beach, its open till 10pm and we were rather tempted to jump in last night!!!!
Bye for now!!!!!
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