Hey Guys,
Just a very quick entry about what we did over the weekend before we came to Brisbane (not sure the map location is correct though so I'll change it later).
After we wrote on here on Fri we attempted to cook, only the floor we were staying on the Kitchen looked like a bomb site, there was a distinct lack of pots and then ones that were there were dirty so we got a key to another floor and cooked there (for chloe's benefit we cooked Ratatouille). The rest of the evening passed pretty uneventfully, sat in the room drinking Goon and trying to block out the noise from all the people in the communal area. Our room mates were very messy and didnt have a key so we had to try and leave the door open for them, They made so much noise when they came in (drunk) at 3am so we weren'tr impressed.
Got up on Sat morning and went to Eumundi Markets, got an organised trip and the bus journey there was very imformative, thankfully we'de been sensible enough to pack our bumble bee coats so we were all set. The markets very really nice, quite expensive stuff and if Sam would have had her way she'd have spent thousands if not millions of dollars on expensive art work, thankfully she realised we had neither the money nor way of transporting it home and so she refrianed. Eventually the heavens did open and so we had to shelter in a cafe. DId a bit more shopping after this and becuase it was the markets 30th birthday they had a massive choc cake and so we had some of that - was very sickly. Got the bus back to the hostel and explored more of Mooloolaba in the afternoon, went for a walk along the river and up a viewing tower which I didnt like and clung onto the middle of lol! Cooked in our kitchen in the evening - novelty!!!!!
The evening was eventful again. Got woken up at 3am again by the very noisy girls we were sharing a room with and then to make it worse the fire alarm went off and so we all had to evacuate. After that though thankfully we got back to sleep and in the morning set off for Brisbane.
Thats all I've got time for for now but we'll be back soon to tell you all about the toursity thinhgs we've done in Brisbane. Breakfast time now :)
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