Hey Guys,
Well we've arrived in oz after numerous flights and airport transfers. My flight (amy) was ok to begin with, but then after 24 hours the boredom was really setting in, no surprises there!!! I survived just lol and Sam was waiting in the airport to meet me, her flights being less in time, but no more enjoyable!!!!
So.......we got picked up at the airport, which was remarkably problem free. Arrived at the hostel (calypso) and I was absolutely shattered having had very little sleep. Kinda did a bit of unpacking and tried to decide what to do for the next few days and how long to stay in Cairns (this was made very difficult with me lacking in concentration and nearly falling asleep every few minutes) but eventually we decided to stay until monday. We then went for a little explore and found the beach but I was exhausted and so we went back and I had a very early night. Was somewhat worried when Sam noticed a black blob on the ceiling which turned out to be only a Gecko (which I can cope with). But when I woke up this morning without my glasses on I saw the same Gecko but did panic until I put my glasses on as I thought it was a big spider.....thankfully no sightings so far!!!!
Today we've explored Cairns a bit more (after a rather long lie in) and found a lovely pool which looks out over the sea, its gorgeous and its not even cold when you get in mum :) So we relaxed there for a bit, smothered in factor 50 of course and enjoyed the pool. Its so warm even now (6:30pm). The heat is very different to the snow we're been experiencing at home recently, very different climate to adjust too and we're both sweating like pigs.
And now just for Chloe (dont laugh everyone else she;s making me do this) here's what I ate on the plane
Plane 1) Lamb casserole with mash and peas folloewd by black cherry mousse and then a pastrami sandwhich for the second meal
Plane 2) Chicken with mushrooms on with potoato (not the best choice - the chicken looked little like chicken) and then breakfast (cheese omlette with nice potatoes and a sausage).
Plane 3) Beef pie with some weird pasta thing. Although by this point I wasn't hungry.
(Please note chloe I haven't listed everything I ate as this would take far too long, I hope this will do and sorry for everyone else).
Tommorow we're off to Cairns tropical zoo so hopefully we'll have some amazing photos of me feeding a Kangaroo (if I have the courage to go in with it).
Love to all and please tell everyone else to come to the blog if I haven't added them to the email list, tell them to send me an email on here and I'll add them (mum - send me auntie Jaynes and uncle Nigels and I'll add them).
Bye for now......Love Amy and Sam
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