Well today was anotyer busy day... I think we finally finished our time at the hofburg. We took in the royal treasury. There was more gold and jewels then you would ever believe. On to9 of that the number of holy relics was also astounding. As alex pointed out with the number of different pieces of the cross that jesus was nailed to in that were in the treasury you would think thr whole think was there. Also there was a nail that held jesus to the cross... with a certificate of authenticity from a pope. There was also a few body parts of saints, some of the table cloth from the last supper, a huge unicorn horn, and other asorted items. Anyway, I found it the best colection except maybe the vatican. This was heavily because of how well preserved everything was.
After that we went to the schornbrunn palace. This was the habdbergs summer home. We toured the house and took in a strudel making demonstration and ate a sample.
After lunch we went to the backyard. We took in three mazes/labrinths made of shrubs/trees. Generally alex thought we were in qn al7ce in wonderland kind of place as all the trees even 30 feet tall ones were perfectly square. It was but I suppose when 6ou wre thay ruch yo6 can have square trees if that is what you realoy want.
Any way then we walked to the glorietta. W building at the far end of the ground on too of a hill. When we got to the top ther3 was a japanese girl trying to take a picture of herself. I offered to take the photo and she instantly threw down some mad peace signs... after a while alex suggested we take similar photos if our selves from the same spot in the same pose... I dont think he eexpected me to climb on board hut we took the photosbsnd we may have started a thing.
Next up we went for some sushi and then back to the hotel... we may go in the ferris wheel after dark or maybe not.
We also are unsure of our plans tommorrow maybe Bratislava. Maybe vienna again we will see.
- comments
Mom I am tired just reading about everything you are doing ! But it sounds like you are making the most of it ! Be safe !!! Mom