So I made it to Austria safe and sound. It took me about an hour tonarrive at the hotel.I made it to within three blocks of the hotel very quickly but finishing the job was a bit more difficult. The owner operator of tge place seemed nice if a little odd. Hevwas chatting with someone from the business next door when I asked about the hotel... he then said oh wait just a minute ran intonwhat looked like a closet and pressed a button that opened a wall fir a front desk type situation.
Anyway, I he let me check in at 930 am and I got a shower and me and alex headed out.
First we went to the nash market and explored it an tried out austrian food including strudell, brstwurst, and a pastry thing filled with cheese... it was all pretty good. Though i never have seen peopke selling second lederhausen... i never expected middle eastern ladies as the lederhausen kingpins. Anyway we then headed on to the kunhistories museum... which hasbold the old jasters ina former hapsberg mansion. It was all shown well in avery good location.
After that we went to the einstien cafe where one of alex s friends suggested we go. It was g8od and by this point in the afternoon we both needed a little caffine and sugar boost so we got iced mochas... but wealso got saceur tort.l. which was very good but not amazing... it is a tradutional vienese cake with apricotjam mixed in the layers and seemed to have a gonosh-isj icing.
Oh on our way to the cafecwe saw a protest of a couple hubdred people so we checked that out for 15 minutes before farrying on... turns out hippies, wnarchists and gas mask wearing people do not lkke monsanto... we decided not to join the protest for various reasons.
FinallybFter that wewent to thealbrtine museum which alexreally liked . We saw rsmrants, reubens, picassos, monet, d3gas, etc...
After thst wetook a round about way home through the shopping district. Onlh 1 €10purchase so thats not bad.
Anyway, we have to plan our day I better go get thst done before I fall asleep.
- comments
Aileen Sounds like you are absorbing all the local experiences. Looking forward to hearing more. Have fun and be safe.
Lori Sounds like things are off to a great start!!! Perhaps you should lay off the sugar AND definitely no protests! Stay safe :)
Kent I think it appears you are grasping some aspects of their language because I feel there are a lot of foreign words...there are so many things I would like to comment on above!!!