Glad your are back in contact again it seemed so strange not to have any form of contact for what seemed a very long time. But can see you are still having lots of great adventures. Adam please can you remember your swimming training!! Never dive into a place you dont know you could end up with a broken neck, just jump please!!!!! David is enjoying seeing all your Aussie pictures because he has been to many of those places too and agrees how beautiful they are. Well I am jobless now and I dont know what to do with myself I hope I get something soon. But its only 9 weeks until my holiday now. Take care both of you and try not to break any more cameras.
Dad G
Hi Guys,
The videos are fantastic, makes me want to have ago myself. Grandma has just had a lookat them as well, we have been telling her that we have been talking to you on Skype. Jemma is now set up so she will be calling you I would think.
Now keep this camera safe we want to see plenty more pics. Looking forward to the next installment, take care and keep enjoying yourselves.
Dad G xxx
Dad H
Hi Adams
Great pictures keep having fun.... It's fun for me to share this Blog site with you Guy's!!!
Dad H
Yay loving the pics! you boys could go on the guinness ad with those dives Adz there that is definalty a belly flop-there's no way you could have curved your head in time!! The water falls look gorgeous!!
My feet are so sore - we climbed St Peter's Basillica today - the whole 551 steps up the narrowest staircase you've ever seen! although my feet dont look half as painful as yours after those nasty little leeches sucked at them!!
keep having fun, Love you and miss you lots and lots AmzXxx
Alex Stewart
How doo? Jealousy does not cover it! Hope alls goin ok guys! That's fantastic you managed to meet jason and kara! Just got back from some gigs down in london which were ace but nowhere in comparison to the experience you guys are having! Have an brill time in oz! Keep safe and stay in touch. Tell the guys I said hello!
Muchos love Alex :-) x x
awwww I love your videos..... keep them coming scubba boys. Miss and love u lots x x x x
Dad H
Hi Adams
Sorry to hear about the camera and laptop problems " But as my Mum says, problems always comes in three's " so I guess two camera's and one laptop = 3 your problems are now officially over !!!
Will send an E-Mail today keep safe !!!
Auntie Judith
Pleased to receive your latest news and that you arrived in Oz safely! Drove to work today in snow!! Warmed up though looking at your pictures of sun, sea and sand. Fantastic!! Enjoy all your wonderful experiences. We are thinking of you both. Take care Love Auntie Judith and Uncle Andrew XXXXXX
"What no sunsets"...............
Glad you arrived safe and sound in Oz, loving the journey with you everything looks so much fun
Take care
Love Debbie & Michael x
Big Sis
Hello boys,
Car looks alot better than the moon buggy we had in oz!!! do you remember all the ants it had in it!!!!
love c x
Hey boys,
the upside down land sounds fab! glad your having such a fab time! Am off to Rome with Lar 2moro! Yay Hooray can't wait! hopefully our photos will be just as fabulous!
love you and miss you loads xx
Jem (Big Sis)
Hi guys, where have you gone? Have u got to Australia? or are you just waiting a while so that when u finally fill in your blog you can hit us with even more fabulous photos to make us all jealous? How did you find the flights? About time you had a few boring days like the rest of us are having at home! Paul goes away in 2 weeks so i'll be on my todd with the rabbit for comfort and the guinea pig to talk to me! So i think you should ring me at somepoint mr! Dads gonna put skype on my lap top this week so u can call me on there.
Cara my hubby is going away for 6months soon so i'll have some spare time to give you some tips with wedding plans if you want, my email is [email protected] (no dodgy emails guys if u dont mind) or i'm on face book under my married name which is greenwood.
Anyway adams continue to have a fantastic time and hope to hear from you soon xxxx