"Your journey, you might think has come to an end, I'd like to foresee this just being the beginning! You have done what many only talk and others dream of doing. You have been beguiled by the wonders of the world! The virtue of the bohemians cause is now within you, giving you a perspective for beauty and difference beyond the materi…
Hey Guys,
As you all know we have decided to face the big wide world with only a little spotted handkerchief attached to a bamboo stick with a little stray dog occasionally following us. Okay not quite like that but you get the drift.
I am sure there will be plenty of adventures and surprises ahead so don't worry wherever we head and whatever we do, we'll be sure to keep you posted!! Make sure you keep in contact and post lots of messages and we will repay the favour by making you a…
As you all know we have decided to face the big wide world with only a little spotted handkerchief attached to a bamboo stick with a little stray dog occasionally following us. Okay not quite like that but you get the drift.
I am sure there will be plenty of adventures and surprises ahead so don't worry wherever we head and whatever we do, we'll be sure to keep you posted!! Make sure you keep in contact and post lots of messages and we will repay the favour by making you all jealous.
"Your journey, you might think has come to an end, I'd like to foresee this just being the beginning! You have done what many only talk and others dream of doing. You have been beguiled …
Hi to my lovely Grillz & Adz. Your journey, you might think has come to an end, I'd like to foresee this just being the beginning! You have done what many only talk and others dream of doing. You have been beguiled by the wonders of the world! The virtue of the bohemians cause is now within you, giving you a perspective for beauty and difference beyond the material that the world pursues. You will always be confident and strong in every decision you make. Each step you take will carry you beyond the length and breadth of those that did not dare. You will look at everything through eyes that will never be satisfied. Your work, your relationships your friends, will never be the same. Don't slow in your journey, make every opportunity count! I look forward to us recounting your experiences and hope that I may take some inspiration from your journey.
Loved the Banana hammock in Florida Whoop woo!
Lots of Man Love & Hugs
Auntie Carol
Not long now to seeing you, make the most of your last hours and minutes!!!! Adam your mum is going tonight to get provisions in for your return so you won't starve even if you have no money left!! What will I do in the evenings when I have no blogs and photographs to look at and no ode to write? Perhaps I will have to look at E.Bay !! See you tomorrow.
Lots of love Auntie Carol and Matthew xx
Hello hello
I'm loving your new installment of videos, u had me in stiches with ur escalator ones, and a sense of sickness with ur Grand Canyon one, lol, that really didnt look safe or very stable. Enjoy ur last few days, only 3 sleeps to go :)
Lots of love x x x x x x x
Mum g
Hi you two, how the time has flown, although it seems ages since we dropped you off. Make the most of your last few days, can't wait to see you and hear all the tales and the things you couldn't tell me you had done until you got home,like hanging off a cliff over the Grand canyon just to take a video, I am sure there will be lots of other things.Take care, love you xxxxxx
Hi U2
How was your steak?? Enjoy the BA, it's one of my favourite cities...
Adam1, if all else fails you could make it as a writer! You're a natural!
Adam2, the pictures are great! You have a good eye!
Make the most of the rest of your time, have fun!!
Auntie Judith
Hi guys
Sorry I have not posted a message for a while, but have just returned to work this week following a two week holiday in the sunshine! Wonders will never cease!! Vegas looked absolutely fantastic. In fact you have both spurred me on to be more adventurous too - Andrew and I have, on impulse, booked a few days in Vegas in August! I can't wait. Enjoy the rest of your exciting trip and take care. Thinking of you. Love Auntie Judith and Uncle Andrew XXXX
Mum P
Well Adam sorry I missed your call, but have a great birthday in the big apple. I am sure it will be the best so far. Not long now until you are both home so enjoy every minute. Your favourite meal has been booked at Nans and they both send you all their love and you both have a safe journey home. Love you lots XXXXXXXXXXX
Please sing this piece!!!
Happy birthday to you!!! Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Adam Happy birthday to you!!!!
Woooowhooooooooo 7 more sleeps. Glad to hear ur all safe and sound in New York. Happy Birthday to you Adz for tomo, im very jealous u get to spend it in New York. Have an amazing day.
Cant wait to have you home. Lots of love x x x
hi adam glad to see you've been living up to your dreams.so many places so little time.all happy at tesco,mike still young free and single,well ok free & single.jills fine just been to egypt for 2 week ,sat on a smelly camel, her husbands camel tuck one look at him and ran off.Rita's still singing your praises 6 month on.well you were a good lad.looks like you've been having a good time,bet you dont want it to stop.well back to my life bla bla bla.see you v soon.have to do CAKE AND COFFEE OR DRINKS AT SCOTTS when you get back.take care XX MAGGS
Auntie Carol
Enjoyed reading your latest blogs you seemed to have had an 'interesting' time in L.A. can't wait to hear about it when you get back.I have always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon sounds fantastic. I have written instalment two of your ode but have again run out of blogs but saving putting it on your message board until it is finished!! It's exciting what you do when you are retired!! Georgia has started going riding I told her about your time as a 'cowboy' she seemed quite impressed. Enjoy the rest of your trip.
lots of love Auntie Carol and Matthew xx
Luke Harnett
To the adams.
Hope you are well brother. I am gutted that you have seen KA and i have not. I have read some reviews and been on a training course with the company cirque du soleil the UK side of the company. The vert wall with all the projection etc is just jaw dropping. Well i have left my job at the uni. Working 95 hour weeks are not fun at all ! now working for a company in ampthill. Start on the 1st july. So if you need help moving in at your new house. i can help.
Enjoy you last weeks bro, Take it easy pal
Luke x x
???? V SEXY!
re: Basketball at hostel