Just got back from your mums and thought I would catch up on the excitement !! I must admit I felt sorry for the calf with the two of you lying on it. Do you think calf wrestling will look good on your C.V. not much call for it in Bolton.Glad to see that you visited an art gallery got to keep up your cultural side!! I'm going to London for three days but somehow that does not compare with your adventures.Off to the Lakes at Easter so bet there will be plenty of barbeques if your dad has anything to do with it.Send more pictures enjoy New Zealand. xxx
Mum P
Have just tried to watch you wrestling the calf but only managed a few seconds sorry!! Will try a few more seconds another time! Well at least you will have finished Aussie trip with a bang. Off to Wembley tomorrow will try to let you know the score asap. Have got a Wembley 2009 Luton Town Tshirt for you but I am borrowing it tomorrow OK! Take care and hope to speak to you soon Love Mum XXXXX
Adz & Grillz in the outback, all hairy and dirty, wearing nothing but a pair of chaps each......Mmmmm!!!........... Wrestling cows!!??, big girls! Go and fight some crocs!!! Love the pics my lil globe trotters. Keep up the fun times! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Auntie Judith
Wow!! How I loved watching Westerns as a child and still do! John Wayne in a cowboy hat. You are both making the most of all these wonderful experiences and what memories you both will have. There is no end to your talents - diving, shooting, riding - whatever next I wonder?! Keep enjoying and looking after yourselves. Lots of love Auntie Judith and Uncle Andrew XXXX
Luke Harnett
These air rifles your shooting adam. I just does not compare to shooting tins in Nanas garden ! Harnett family games hay. Hope you are well. For to work in london next week should be fun. Take it easy now .. L x
Mum Gwen
Just watched your videos, you big brutes what do you think you are doing to that poor calf, Jemma will fall out with you for that.
Anyway good to hear from you after your trip to the outback and pleased to see you survived. hope we will skype very soon.
Take care and lots of love xxxxxx
Dad G
Hi lads,
Where are you cowboy hats, hope you didn't hurt that poor little calf! I notice Adam you let Ads get suck in first, probably thinking if he gets kicked in the head I'll not bother. What was it like lads? Even though it was only a little calf I can imagine it was a bit scary.
Looking forward to seeing some more pics, every time you up load them you seem to be having another first for experiences. Anyway the weather here is getting a bit better, your mum and I are going to have a few days in the lakes so keep checking out the news from the UK you might see the headline 'Looney man wrestles cow in Windermere!'
Waiting to have a chat, get in touch when you can, keep having fun and keep safe.
Lots of love
Dad G xx
Big Sister Cara
morning cowboys,
Glad to see that you havent fallen off of the face of the earth!!! Now theres nothing wrong with the pony club!!! dont you remember one of your birthday partys you had two ponys in the back garden at markfield ???? haha you big girl!!!! Well loui is ill at the mo so has given up on the squirrel hunt. Dan's under 9's football team went second last night with a score of 5-4 and hopefully will be promoted!! Ryan wants to know if you have seen any sharks!!? Work is borning and the only highlights of my days is getting your up dates so keep them coming!!!!!
Lot of love
Cara, Dan, Ryan and Loui
Dad G
Hi guys,
The photos just get better and better, I can't believe what a great time you two are having. It would be nice to see a few more vids if you get the time in your busy schedule. Hope the smell wasn't too bad when you lay with the kangaroos, I meant for the kangaroos of course!
If you remember Adam I told not to frighten the natives, poor creatures look positively terrified. Anyway skype us as soon as you can, we're both looking forward to seeing and talking to you. You two keep enjoying yourselves, keep safe and look after each other.
Dad G xxx
Dad H
Hi Adam's
Many thanks for the telephone call at 0.30 hrs ...... but seriously it was good to have a chat. Pictures on the Blog tell the story that you Guy's are having a "spiffing good time" out in the Old Outback. Weather here in Germany is cold and miserable so you Guy's are 100% in the right place. Keep up the hard work maintaining the Blog I know it's difficult but believe me allot of people get pleasure following you Guy's around on your World Tour .
Stay safe but have fun in BIG Portions !!!
Dad H
Jem (Big Sis)
Hi guys, still trying to catch up with ur blogs and pics at the moment, had a bit on with Paul going to afghan. He went to Ireland on Friday then flew to afghan on Saturday, So i'm all alone like Deana now! We'll look after each other, although she's not long until she sees u now. Pauls already skyped me this morning although his signal wasn't very good so had to keep holding up messages to the camera because he couldnt hear me properly. Just trying to enjoy what contact i can get at the mo before he goes out fighting then i'll never hear off him. It was good to see and hear off you the other night. My little brother all grown up traveling the world. I've been to mum and dads tonight for the first bbq of the season so its all systems go now. Grandma's here and she says hi and to tell you that she's enjoying the photos. Anyway i'm ll set up on skype and will have it on most of the time so get in touch when you can. love ya xxx
Big Sister Cara
Afternoon Boys,
Amazing photos boys not making us too jealous!!! Have you managed to see Aunty Nan yet?? It doesn't seem that long ago that we went to Australia!!!Dan and I have been looking at honeymoons although none of them has the prices for our dates yet!! Dan is going to be organising it all and wants it to be a surprise so you might have to advise him now your soon going to be travel experts!!
Loui has been a pain this week and keeps climbing up the tree in the front garden right up the top trying to play with the squirrels. Which in turn makes the squirrels scream like babies and wakes the whole neighbourhood up!! But there's no keeping him away from it!!!