Loooooovely sunsets.................."around the world in 80 sunsets " is my new title for your book Adam.
Glad all is well,you will be amazed to know that Michael is home today sorting out the garage (i can see you shaking your head in disbelief )but true it is .............could do with his right hand man here though to help him through it :-)
Have Fun
Debbie and Michael
Dan (Oxford)
Ooooh I love the golden gaytimes! They are so tasty! It took me a few weeks to women up and have one, but thay are good. When you come back, please somehow bring one with you!
Utho hair today gone tomorro!! at least it was for a good cause!!
Glad you boys escaped the horrid cyclone! Am now safely back in England trying to readjust and not miss the italian coffee, icecream, pizza and general loveliness!! (yeah the blues have kicked in already)! just trying to upload my pictures so you can see them too, we literally have thousands we were very snap happy!!
Have fun on the coast - watch out for sharks!!
love you lots and lots! xx
Auntie Judith
Hi, enjoying following all your travels. Glad weather has picked up! Made an impulsive buy yesterday and have treated myself to Sky!Looking forward to surfing all the new channels!! Auntie Judith getting adventurous, although a lot less than your wonderful experiences. Australia zoo would be fantastic. Well done Adam having your hair shaved for leukaemia! Take care of yourselves Love Auntie Judith and Uncle Andrew XXXX
Hi my Lovely Ladies.... The landscape pic's are looking awsome! Glad to see your still having fun & froliks, keep it up ... Right-Up! For old times, throw in some salmon moves in the pics aswell! Love you both lots.... Man kisses and hugs xxxxxxxxxxx
John Fane
My god that spider looks terrifying, I hope it wasn't poisonous! Shame about the cyclone but what's done is done, and there's plenty more to see anyway, the Gold Coast is absolutely awesome (especially Byron Bay)! Keep the pics coming! x
Mum Gwen
Well done Adz your blog is brilliant, typical Adam snoozing away, he always could sleep on a clothes line. Pleased to see you in better weather conditons,and still having lots of fun.
Keep safe, lots of love, Mum xxxxxxx
Auntie Judith
Hi, Ho dear the weather you have been having reminds me of our British weather!! However, this morning it is a few degrees warmer here in Lancashire and spring has sprung! I am sure after temporary blip with weather, it will be back to sunshine, swimming and sunbathing for you both. In all weathers you are both having some fantastic adventures. Take care of yourselves and we are thinking of you. Love Auntie Judith and Uncle Andrew XXXX
Nannie + Grandad Haydon
Hello Adams
We are at mum P's house today, As we are spending mothers day a week early,because we are at aunty angela's house. We have enjoyed looking at your pictures and videos. Grandad sed that turtle soup is a good meal! and kanagaoo poo is very good for fires ! Nannie enjoyed talking to you on the phone and is waiting for the next installment of photos. Grandad asked if you have met any shelias ?
Love you lots
Nannie, Grandad and laddie
Hope you 2 r ok and that nasty cyclops hasnt attacked u...tee hee.
Was lovely to hear from u the other day Mr.Harnett. Your pics are ammmmaaazing! Im soooo jealous. However, the diving is a bit extreme for my liking- please b careful!
The house is quiet atm....we had Robs sis up to c us the other day which was nice tho. Drinking and merryment of course.
Managed to secure the house for next year. Altho wer still 1 person short. Davids gunna b loving all the girls :)
Keep in touch lovelies. Make the most of it!
Dan (Ox)
hey guys,
I hope your are south of Brisbane and the sunshine coast I I hear there has been a massive oil spill, spoilt loads of nice pretty beach...Booo That area was stunning!
Auntie Judith
Your photographs and videos are fantastic and the views incredible! Gosh I don't think I have seen such a big spider .....................!! Enjoy all the lovely weather. Cold and windy in Lancashire today!
Andrew and I are thinking of you. Take care Lots of Love XXXXXX