Loving the legs my lil frog-men. Awesome blog and incredible pictures, you look like your really wringing all that you can from your travels. Keep going and keep smiling, big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey boys!
Think the pics of the Similan Islands are my fave so far! U look like your having an amazing time.....Love that you met Nemo!!!!
Theres not a lot going on here. We had some quiet drinks in the Oyster bar the other night...which obviously ended up messy as usual lol.The kitchen is a complete mess still!grrrr.
Amys birthday was a top night out. John was smashed and hit numerous ppl in the chinese kareoke with his crutches as usual. I must of picked him up off the floor about 5 times lol. Rob ended up stealing a Darth Vadar mask form somewhere and then we were walking the streets singing the Star Wars tune. tee hee!
Loving the updates...a nice break from all this frigin old English reading I'm doing.
Love and cuddles
Dan (Oxford)
I knew you would like the Similan Islands. I have many pictures from exactly the same spots as you! Doesn't time fly...one country down already, thats a bit scary! Enjoy the countless hours in Bangkok airport. We did that too....Take a jumper - they really love their aircon!
Hello you ittle globe trotters...hope you're having a fantastic time and the pictures are amazing!
Keep us all updated and dont forget us all xx
Auntie Judith
Rome, Barcelona and here I am at work in Burnley and grey misty weather! I am cheering myself up by looking at your beautiful island pictures. I am so pleased you are having such a wonderful time! Looking forward to hearing about your diving adventures. Thinking of you both. Take care Love Auntie Judith and Uncle Andrew XXXX
Big Sister Cara
Morning Boys,
Photos are amazing I have shown our wedding photographer and he is very impressed!!! Also have a little surprise for you both when you return!!! It is my last day at work today and then I'm off for a week for my birthday. Although we will be spending it in Costa del Nottingham with beautiful grey skies!!!
Nanny, Mum and David are coming up on sat as Nanny, Mum and I are off to look at my wedding dress and David and Dan are off doing manly things and are going to watch Forest V's Derby. COME ON YOU REDS !!!!!
Any way better get back to some work!!!
Just remember you may be growing up and becoming a man of the world but you will always be my baby brother running around trying to be a teenage mutant hero turtle!!!!!
Love you always
Cara, Dan, Ryan and Loui
Carole Lormor
Fabulous way to keep in touch. Your blogs are great.
Keep enjoying yourselves.
With love from Carole x
Auntie Judith
The island Railay looks breathtaking. I am looking at my computer screen saver of an island. No comparison!! Claire my colleague did her diving and she said it was well worth it. The underwater scenery was wonderful she said. Enjoy both of you and look after yourselves. Thinking of you. Love Auntie Judith and Uncle Andrew XXXX
Mum P
Hi The Adams
You never told me you took a photography course! How do you manage to get such great photos? It was good to see and speak on valentines day it felt as though you were just down the road!! Our snow and ice has finally gone now and lets hope it does not return. Seeing the lovely beaches makes me look forward to my holiday in 12 weeks time, but I bet you will be browner than me when I get home. Take care and its so nice to have interesting e-mails to read rather than the normal chain and junk ones!!!! Love to you both XXXX
Those photos are amazing, my personal fave is the view of the hidden lagoon through the rocks! Keep up the good camerawork chaps!
Hi my lovely globe trotters. Glad to see you're having a good time and always pushing the boundaries of social decency; Grillz, I'm referring to the picture of you swinging upside down from your stringy hemorrhoids…. Must have brought a tear to your eye…. However gave me a lil chuckle, so well worth it! Keep up with all the tomfoolery…. All my man hugs and smiles. P.S. Bring me back a pet monkey please!.xxxxxxxx
Dad Grills
Hi you two,
Just about to set off to Rome on our few days break, looking forward to checking out all the ice creams and pizzas. Sounds like your going to have a fantastic time learning how to diving course, just remember to keep breathing when your under water!
Can't wait to see the photos of you both with all your equipment on. Anyway glad to see you two are enjoying yourselves, keep safe, we are all missing you.