Hope you have got out of cape trbulation ok without being bitten by those crocs!!! David knows it well there and says have you been to the bouncing pebble beach/singing beach. Sorry missed your call but it was the middle of the night! We are the same as Mum Gwen waiting to hear what has happened next and more photos to make us jealous. Things fine over hear. Nanny and Grandad send all their love to you both. Luke's car cannot be mended so he is changing it and is now getting a new style corsa van in Black if all goes to plan. I have finished my job now which seems very strange. Well hope to hear from you both very soon. Lots of love and kisses MuM & Co XXXXX
Mum Gwen
You two boys have become very lazy, you havn't updated your blog for over a week, we want to know what happened next and we are waiting for the next installment to make us all jealous. Don't be selfish think about us back at home and send us some more pictures please.
Take care both of you and lots of love xxxxxx
Joanna And Ian
Hello Adam! Looks as if you are having the best time.Wish we could get some sun and learn to scuba dive, we are a little bit jealous!! Be a good boy ,but not too good and have loads of fun and get lots of new and exciting experiences. Lots of love, Joanna and Ian xxxxxx
Alex Stewart
hey guys lookin like your having a wicked time! the photos are incredible loving the underwater pics!!
the blogs really good too hope you have a good trip over to oz, keep us posted!
take care, alex x
Dad H
Hi Adam's
I am really enjoying your Blog . News this side on the pond is Brenda has left me again on a trip to see her Mum in Belgium.....it's becoming a habit ? Right now it seems that I am the only one not on holiday. ?
You guy's keep having the times of your lives,stay safe but push the envelope anyway !!!
Adam H
It's Cara's Birthday Today !!!
Dad H
Big Sis Cara
Afternoon Boys
Hope you are both well and haven't got too much water in your ears!!Dan and I are slowly getting more and more jealous of your many adventures!!!!
Adam tell your sister that any wedding tips would be greatly appreciated! im pulling my hair out already and its next year!! Got your outfit already though Adam! Nan says she will just extend your sailor suit you wore to Auntys!!
Looking forward to your next lot of tales!!!
Cara, Dan, Ryan and Loui
Dad Grills
Hi Lads,
Just been looking at the photos of you both scuba diving, they look fantastic. I thought you would be good at it Adam when you fell into the beck up at the Lakes!
The pics are really good, looks like you both will have some great memories and you still haven't got to Oz yet! Have a save journey, get some sleep and Adam you can take your snorkle off now. Hope you can get online soon so we can have another chat, both your mum and I really look forward to seeing and chatting to you.
Take care, love
Dad G xxx
Auntie Judith
Safe journey both of you to Oz. Enjoying following your travels and experiences. What a wonderful time you are both having.
Take care and Lots of love from Auntie Judith and Uncle AndrewXXXX
omg, I so wish i was there with you boys just got back from a hellish waitressing shift, loved looking at your pictures, wish i could swim with nemo. hope ur journey to oz goes smoothly. Just think u can get free accomodation at my sisters and empty her fridge hehe.
Look after each other, love lots x x x x
Auntie Carol
Second time lucky ! Think I have just sent you an e.mail instead of putting the message on the message board. I have just been catching up with your pictures looks fabulous. I will have to show Georgia the pictures of Nemo.I have just spent the last two weeks decorating what an exciting life I lead want to swap? Georgia stayed for two nights and we took Sam to Blackpool mad as ever he must have run for miles on the beach.Kian is almost walking he loves to push his truck up and down but the problem is he only does straight lines he hasn't mastered turns so it is legs and furniture beware. He thinks is great if he manages to catch you. Keep the blogs and pictures coming. Hope the journey to Oz is not too taxing only 36 hours!!
Love Auntie Carol and Matthew xxx
Jem (Big Sis)
Well looks like your still having a fab time! We had a good time in Barcelona not as good as you look to be having though. I thought me and Paul had done well diving in Corfu on the honeymoon but we hardly saw anything was quite boring actually and theres you with Nemo and sea turtles how unfair! Adam I've been looking at your pics and those blue and white shorts are featuring quite a bit! Do you need some clean ones sending out? Pauls got some similar red and white ones if you fancy a change?!!! Adz just read your big sisters message and shes right, although you two are being all grown up now you'll always be our baby brothers! (even if my adam is a foot taller than me!) and as for the teenage mutant hero turtle thing i have a lovely photo of my Adam in his turtle shorts and t-shirt outfit with a very fetching red piece of material round his head!
Anyway you both keep having a fabulous time and look after each other (i'm gonna have a husband to worry about in a few weeks thats enough!)
Love you loads, Jemxxx (PS Adz tell Cara if she needs any wedding planning tips to let me know! I've done it all and i know how stessful it is!)
hi guys! keep up the good work! sounds wicked and i see the tans are coming along nicely!!! (although grilz you have a bit of catching up to do!)
we had a good night out for Amy's birthday - photos on facebook if you get chance! and it was nice of you to make an appearance adz! we still dont have a new person in the house but we are trying - well not really to be fair!