The pictures are radical its awesome you guys are living it up and having fun!! Keep the updates coming, straight up! hehe :)
those pics of u as pensioners are hilarious!!!!
Adz u well suit it!hahahaha
Looks like you're gathering some amazing memories to tell the grandchildren.
Your updates make me smile....keep them coming!
ps. Adz skype won't work on my flippin laptop for some reason....I'll keep trying though.
Auntie Carol
Just seen the pictures of your bungee jump and swing you are much braver than I would be just looking at the distance down was enough !! Hope you managed to do the sky dive, there haven't been any clouds here perhaps you should come home and do it ? Oh and by the way not so much of the good old pensioners remember I'm a pensioner now. Kian was one last Sunday he enjoyed his party he is starting to walk now.Keep the pictures coming.
Love Auntie Carol and Matthew xxx
Mum Gwen
Hi you two, just caught up on all the pics, it just keeps getting better and better, you are having the most wonderful experiences, I am just very glad we are now past the bungie jump and you are both still in one piece, just let me know after you have done the sky dive.
Take care having lots of fun.
Love you xxxxxxxx
Hello hello, cant wait to see ur next lot of pics and hopefully ur bungy video, not long now till ur sky dive arghhhhhhh. The sun is shining yet again, sounds like weve got better weather than u in NZ hehe. Lets hope that tan fades a lil by the time I get to Hawaii :)
love u loads x x x x
Auntie Judith
Hi you two. What a fantastic time you have had on the ranch and what adventures you are both having! I have never even been on horseback!! Off to Skegness for a few days over Easter and some bracing sea air and fish and chips! Will send you my news on my return in a week's time, although it won't be half as exciting as yours!We are thinking of you. Take care Love Auntie Judith and Uncle Andrew XXXX PS May have a go on a mechanical horse if there is a fairground in Skeness, minus cowboy hat! XX
Hi my lovelies.... I love this entry, good to see you getting involved. Bit disappointed that I haven't seen you riding bare-back with nothing but a leathery pair of chaps clinging to your pert cheeks......Mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! Lol. Keep it up my lovelies; keep smiling & make every day count. Xxxxxxxxxxx
John Fane
Wow the ranch sounds amazing, really loved reading your last entry! That's definately proper travelling, well off the beaten track and doing something a bit different. Sounds like a wonderful experience and I bet you'll never forget it! That battle scar looks very nasty. And Grillz you made a wise move avoiding the cows front bum, I def would've been sick.
Things are dandy this end, same old same old with work but the end is drawing nearer which is good times. You'll be pleased to know that I've invested in a razor and Haley has trimmed my hair, it is thinning at an alarming rate (well thats what the others say anyways!). Just dropped Hales off home this evening and had dinner at hers, going home myself in a couple of days to chillax.
Keep up the good work cowboys x
Dad H
Adam & Adam
Well Guy's I am envious of the experiences you are having !!! and without the pictures and the write up I would be none the wiser of life in the out back. The only advantage I have is that I get to drink German beer and you get the Australian stuff !!! tough life eh !
Weather here was the best weekend in seven months 22.5 outside and 27.3 in the sun room. Dogs sun bathed in the garden and I relaxed just watching them. Guinness is now six months of age and 70 pounds + eats like a horse, has a none aggressive nature and is turning into a gentle giant. Bren has been in Belgium for a week visiting her Mum who is recovering after a bad fall. Nothing more to report this side of the pond.
Have fun guy's and make every day count !!!
Dad H
Big Sis Jem
Sorry not been on for a while guys been a bit preoccupied with my hubby going to afghanistan! just caught up on all your videos and pictures. Not quite your bloggs but mum keeps me up to date! That poor little calf. Your supposed to get it down as quick as poss to minimise the distress!!! Adam i like that you had to be told to help adz! I'd like to know how come when i'm the animal mad one who actually had riding lessons and u and Paul refused point blank to come riding with me, your now the ones that have been on the really exciting horse riding experiences, what with you in Australia and Paul riding in Canada. When is it my turn?!!! So does this mean you'll come riding with us now? Right honey its late and 'Marley and me' is waiting for me to read the next chapter so i'm gonna go. You see ur not the only ones with exciting lives, its a race to finish it so that i can go and see the film! I'm also in work tomorrow even though i finished for easter on friday! Life is never dull lol (not for u anyway!) Get in touch soon hun xxx
howdy howdy howdy,enjoy your last day in oz, am very upset that your not going to venture on the neighbours set but at least being upside down makes your hair grow quicker - well fingers crossed anyway!!
love you lots xx
Amazing!! it looks like you're having the best time ever!!! loving the cowboy action, very brokeback mountain!!
as i am writing this luton are drawing in the johnson paint final 2-2, looks like its going to extra time so lets hope they can pull something out of the bag!
back in england we've broken up for easter. me, dan and cat have gone home. the others are doing work and heading back this week. it was pretty mad with work last week (as im sure you can remember all too well!) but i think everyone's on top of things, even john who hasn't come too close to a nervous breakdown this time! we went down to london the other week to see dan dj which was cool but the money situation isnt too good anyomore! i got that text message you sent yesterday on my way down to watch burnley at derby - weve nearly got that play-off spot now so fingers crossed for the last few games and we might be making a wembley appearance!
anyhow, keep up the good work and keep them pics coming!