We have just had a catch up on all your photos etc it is so nice to see you looking so brown and well. We are at Mums for the Bank Holiday Sunday before she goes away on her holiday next week. We are looking after Skye for them. We are all well and Grandad had his 78th Birthday last week. The time seems to be going so quickly and it wont be long before we see you again but you will have so many tails to tell us when we meet again. Lots of Love and Nannie kisses XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Big Sister Cara
Afternoon Boys!!
Your very brave you couldn't pay me to do that!!! Well the tree cutting didn't go so well and I've now taken to digging the garden up instead. At work at the moment on a Sunday and its nice and sunny out side but stuck in here. We have just inherited a 25yr old Saab with hardly any miles on it not sure what we are going to do with it!!! Ifyou need a car when your back???!!! It's a beauty!!!! NOT .
Cara, Dan, Ryan and Loui
3 more sleeps to go woo whooooppppppppp. can't wait to see you. Hope uve got lots of pictures and stories to tell us about living as tribes men. love u x x x x
Hi adam its Lauren n Natalie we're at auntie Debbie's house she has just been showing us your pictures................not to sure about you dressing up as an old women, dads a bit worried ...he he
see ya lata
lozza n natzz
Dan (Ox)
I now know how you felt when I went and you were here.....JEALOUS!! It all looks great! Keep the pictures coming.
P.S. Some big news here, as I have finally landed a Grad Job. Unfortunatly not in Oz, but in the UK. Near Adz home town, in Stevenage for MBDA. I won't tell you what they make....you can search for them and see for yourself!
Amazing...Amazing....Amazing! Some awesome pics my Lovelies. Adz; I find you strangely erotic when your dressed as an old lady! You make me tickle in all the special places!..... You two Grillz! Keep up with your duo madness, and be safe. Lots of man Hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wow...........NZ truly does look amazing,no wonder you have loved it there. My fav pics of your whole trip so far (and you have shown us some wonderful ones) are the 3 of the pond in the Botanical gardens..........how lovely.
Take care love
Debbie and Michael x
Big Sister Cara
Morning Boys,
Loving the pictures!!! Weather has been quite nice for a few days here although we have been stuck at work!! Dan, Ryan and I are off to Sherwood Forest on Sunday and on Saturday I have borrowed a chainsaw (don't tell MUM) and I'm going to hack down the trees in the garden and try not to amputate one of my limbs!!!
The place where we are having the wedding is finally nearly built so it will be nice to show Nan and Mum where it is. It surrounded by fields and a lake and has amazing panoramic view so hopefully you can put your newfound photography skill in use!!!!
Look forward to your new tales,
Cara, Dan, Ryan and Loui xxxx
Auntie Judith
Hi, you are so brave doing these hair raising stunts! New Zealand looks simply fab!! My time in Skegness last week was very tame in comparison. Keep enjoying your time out there and all the wonderful friends you are making. Keep safe and take care. Thinking of you Love Auntie Judith and Uncle Andrew XXX
Loving the glacier pix, i distingtly remember a conversation we had whilst packing which went somthing like this:
"Adz are you not gonna need a mac or somthing to keep you dry?"
"Nah, what you on about - we're following the sun round the world!"
Haha - i love being proved right!!
Hope you're not too battered and bruised after your white water rafting!
Love you lots babe xx
Dad H
Hi A team
Well it's great to be writing to you on the Bog again (who said I'm old ?) Pictures from New Zealand were a big surprise for me (no wonder as I have never been there ?) plus I was never taught at school about it's history probably because it was New ? Back to the bog.... pictures look great and you guy's are obviously having great fun with the cross dressing and make up ? (never buy cheap lipstick Adam H ) . On a serious note, keep having fun but avoid any future stunts where you pay a complete stranger to tie an elastic band around your legs and then with the challenge of 123 though yourself off a perfectly good bridge ..... this is an amazing revelation especially after a university education ?
Keep the Blog going it makes allot of people happy.
Dad H
Jamie Harnett
alrite adam - i have not recieved a post card........
nah only joking mate.Hope you doin ok, to say the least! looks like you two are having a great time. photos are really good, keep em' coming! looks like you done so much in so little time. well keep enjoying yaself mate and hopefully see you soon.