So here is Grillz' version of the jump...hope you like?!
Adam & Adam
Auntie Carol
Typed the ode out in short lines like a poem but it has put it all together hence the lack of punctuation hope you can work it out xxx
Auntie Carol
Hope you like this !!! I was bored
They planned for years for this adventure together Working and saving so there'd be memories to treasure Itinerary complete they were packed to go Relatives and friends saying we'll miss you so!! From London to Bangkok was the first stop Time seeing temples, no time to shop There was waterfalls, swimming and ladyboys too Watch out Adam they'll proposition you The islands were beautiful blue seas and soft sand Diving with Nemo and back to dry land Cairns Australia the next place to be Rainforests, beaches and plenty to see Coconut Olympics to keep them both fit Does that crocodile think I'm a tasty titbit Cyclone Hamish blows them off track And bedbugs interrupt a night in the sack In Brisbane culture was the name of the day While for charity Adz had his hair shaved away New South Wales brought the cowboy side Oh! What sore bums after learning to ride They herded and branded and other things too With two great big 'cowboys'!! what could a little calf do? Next the attractions of Sydney for two adventurous guys But in the Blue Mountains it was grey rainy skies In Lake Matinapau it was to a poo party they went As two old ladies with there backs bent!!! A treck up the glacier was next on the cards Where relaxing in hot pools was not very hard Wanaka with mountains and fiords going out to sea How many more beautiful views could there be To Kararau Gorge for an adrenalin rush they went Flying through the air they were going to be sent Hearts beating fast and feeling quite queasy!!! After a small push it was really quite easy With brains still quite addled they went for a swing Upside down and back to back was a frightening thing Te-Ahi-Kai-Koura-a-Tama-Ki-Te-Rangi was a calmer place It was here they swam with dolphins face to face Acrobatics, leaping, jumping and somersaulting too I'm talking about the dolphins not the two of you!!!
To be continued I've run out of blogs !!!!!!
Auntie Carol
Sorry I have not sent a message for a while.Your swim with the dolphins looked fantastic.I have been to London for the weekend and went on the London Eye thought about your bungee jump don't know how you had the courage.How did your time with the tribe go did you manage to catch your food? Kian is now walking and is into everything I looked after him yesterday he is not sure about Sam.I take Georgia to Horwich baths each week for a lesson are you missing it? Silly question does not compare with swimming with dolphins!!! Hope you and Deana are enjoying Hawaii love to you both xxx
Adam & Adam
Hope your all well? Thank you for all your messages, stories and other interesting comments (Spencer)! We are having an amazing time and even though time is flying past we are still making the most out of every day.
As you know we did a bungy jump in Queenstown, but were unable to upload it onto the computer as the file was too large. So below is a link that you can copy and paste into the address bar on your browser and hopefully watch us. Grills should be loading his up shortly so at present it is just mine.
For the people waiting for the screams, you might be a little disappointed!! Its so high when you fall it is apparently nearly impossible to make any noise. Well thanks for your time spent keeping us up to date and making us smile with your bad jokes (Dad). We look forward to more and i'm sure by now you have probably improved your basic arithmetic too!
Take Care
Lots of Love
Adam & Adam
Areet guys!!! just saw you can leave messages here! only ever look at photos and videos lol Am well jealous and cant wait to get together for a welllll overdue beverage! hurry up and finish travelling! wanna hear about everything!
Mum P
Hi Adams
Try Again!!!!! Just Lent on the wrong keys and sent you a three word message! I am so jealous of you swimming with those wonderful dolphins in the wild. It beats Dom Rep dolphins ten times over I bet Adam. So I wont waste my money while over there next week because it would never match up to your experience. They look so beautiful and have wonderful markings. Hope you are feeling better now on dry land. Your time seems to be going so quick. Only 3 more working days to go until I go on my birthday bash in Dom Rep I am packed and ready to go, but as you know I have lots more to pack than you took with you. Its a woman thing at least 2 different outfits and swimear a day!!!! Well hope I get to speak to you before I go but if I dont lots of love and take care both of you XXXXXXXX
Dad G
Hi Lads,
Well you've made it over to America and presumably it is a bit warmer. I loved the photos of your bungy jump I don't know how you did it but well done there is no way I could have done anything like that! Pity there isn't a video of it then we could all listen to the screams etc!
Waiting now to see the pics of the tribe, you two are certainly clocking up experiences of a lifetime. Anyway keep enjoying yourselves and keep safe.
Lots of love
Dad G.
P.S. Adam, just serviced, MOT and taxed your car, the bill is on your desk waiting for you when you get back!?!
Jem (Big Sis)
Hiya hun, hope living with the tribe was a fantastic experience (i'm sure its been a lot like living with my class!!!) Not sure if mum told u but i've been taken on at school permanently now so at least thats one thing less to worry about. Was in a bit of a state the morning of the interview though! Deana will be there now so make sure u look after her and take her on some good trips. She's missed you so much and couldnt wait to see you. I know how she feels tho so make sure you make the most of having her there! I know u will. Love ya hun and will see you in a few weeks xxxx
Mum Gwen
Can't wait to hear about your tales about living with the tribe, hope you havn't lost even more weight whilst trying to catch your own food. Your pictures of the jump are fantastic, i do think you are very brave both of you. Deana will have joined you by now, have a fantastic time together.
Take care and lots of love
Mum and Dad xxxxxxxx
Dad H
Hi A team
Great to see your pictures of the bungy jump .... full respect to both of you as there is no way Jose I would do that !!!. Guess the pictures are well behind your actual schedule so I would guess your in Fiji right now learning to climb a coconut tree with a bamboo rope screaming " I'm a celebrity get me out of here " ?.
On a serious note keep having fun and stay safe !!!
Keep the Bog going Guy's
Dad H
John Fane
Hello there! Oh my God, that bungee looks absolutely terrifying, you've beaten my canyon swing you swines! Heard you had a great time in Fiji with the locals, Bruce Parry style?
Me and Rob have booked our plane tickets to Bangkok in July, we're well excited about it, and it's making us even more jealous of your travels these last few uni weeks! You can give us the lowdown on Thailand when you're back!
Look forward to hearing about your American adventures...