Hope you are well brother. I am gutted that you have seen KA and i have not. I have read some reviews and been on a training course with the company cirque du soleil the UK side of the company. The vert wall with all the projection etc is just jaw dropping. Well i have left my job at the uni. Working 95 hour weeks are not fun at all ! now working for a company in ampthill. Start on the 1st july. So if you need help moving in at your new house. i can help.
Enjoy you last weeks bro, Take it easy pal
Luke x x
Dad H
Hi A Team
Great to see and read your New's ...... Keep having FUN boy's !!! and burn the candle at both ends !!!
Deana Denness
Less than 3 weeks to go less than 3 weeks to go la la la la la less than 3 weeks to go :) hehe
Good to hear ur both safe and sound in Miami. I'm so jealous that you'll soon be visiting the theme parks and then to top it all off heading to New York. Hope u have an amazing last few weeks, did I mention its less than 3 ;) bet u boys don't want it to end so soon..
Can't wait to hear all about California and Las Vegas in ur next blog.
Lots of love x x x
Big Sis (Jem)
Hi guys, not long until ur back to reality! I know Deana is looking forward to having u back. Paul's back for his rnr next Saturday and i can't wait, unfortuantely i'll be at work while he's here but never mind. Got a bit of news i'm having a new fire place fitted a week on Thurs and i've bought a new car, u'll be jealous when u see it! Toby has had a hard week bless him, he was spayed on Tuesday and had a bad reaction to the aneasthetic. He's ok now though just minus his man bits! Anyway make the most of ur last few weeks, i hope they're as good as the rest of ur time away. P.S the video of the tribe reminds me of being in Paul's flat with all the figians!
Hey boys!
Pics of Hawaii are looking amaaaazing....altho I was feeling slightly sorry for the kids you sang to. hehe
Its really quiet here, I'm all done now....2nd year over and all the boys are revising most days so I'm getting a bit bored really. We had our final night out together on Friday night.....was very emotional as you can imagine. Went to sky bar, alberts shed and spent a fortune (well worth it)
Can't believe your back soon! Enjoy your last few days....thinking of you, green with envy!
Love and cuddles.xxx
Dad H
Hey Boy's This is a kick in the Bum for those thoughts that the next flight after the States is ........ wait for it the UK . Depressive thoughts are out of order on this fantastic adventure !!! you guy's need to live every day and enjoy every minute after all you owe it to all your fan club who have followed this bog site for months. ( yes, I know the pun is wearing thin ) Anyways
as they say in Kanida, when I am in the States my most favourite treat is to find an old steak house ( ask the locals where's best ?) and order a NEW YORK STRIP ....... medium rare with all the trimmings (Yes, boys it's pig out time) The experience of ordering it .......... then waiting for it ..... followed swiftly by devouring it too quickly way out way's the intergestion that follows !!! So boy's this is going to be my Holiday treat to both of you !!! (be nice to the waitress it always pay's dividends ) Check HSBC Adam
Bram & Carol
Hi Adz!
Amy's told us your news, so looking forward to seeing you when you come back.Don't get too brown coz we'll look too white!
Guess you'll be used to camping so sleeping in the garden won't be much of a hardship next time! Although plenty of palattes around so maybe you could build your own tree house instead!!
Hope you don't have too many more close shaves! See you soon!
Bram & Carol x
Dan (Ox)
Hey guys,
You must be nearing your last locations now. Just so it is not such a shock when you get back....I am no longer the best looking guy from 189. Playing cricket last night I had my front teeth knocked clean out, and couple of other teeth moved. Emergency dentist put one and a half back in, but I have to go to the dentist/orthodentist many times before all is back to normal. Gutted...
Dad H
Hi A team
Well the last video clip was a real peach boy's .... I have to admit it gave me vertigo just watching it !!! It was interesting to see the bungy process and how it works right up to the point you watch your Son with a smile on his face throw himself off into fresh air without a parachute !!! I send respect to you both !!! your braver than me !!!
Just seen the pic's from Fiji looks like you OLD boys got the run around big time. Pictures look great except the ones of Adam H with the natives as I couldn't tell which one was him ?
Back to work
Hey hey hey! Glad you boys settled into Island life - skirts and all! Am currently hiding all of my underwear just incase this cross dressing malarkey becomes a habit! lol
Am so impressed with all of your new found skills -who needs Ikea furniture now you can make it!!
Hope you both get a well earned rest in Hawaii ready for the next set of USA adventures!
Love you lots and lots
Amy xx
Auntie Judith
Hi, Loving reading all the messages and hearing about all your experences. Would have panicked missing the flight, but you both take everything in your stride - seasoned travellers!! You are covering some miles and enjoying every minute!
Take care Aunty Judith and Uncle Andrew XXXX
Big Sister Cara
Morning Boys,
I have a lovely picture of me looking the same on the boat in Egypt it runs in the family!!!! Dan will be sooo jealous of your dolphin pictures!!! There is a hotel called Atlantis in I think Dubai which has a water slide that goes in to a massive pool/aquarium with dolphins and I think there's one with sharks???!!Which Dan keeps going on about going there for our honeymoon although I am trying not to encourage him as its thousands and thousands!! He is such a big kid he is looking at all the places that has water slides in ect
Well I am going to have to retract the offer of the Saab. We went to go and collect the car from Dan's Granddad's yesterday, which is 25yrs old hasn't been moved since 2001.Once we got a new battery in it started up fine and we where able to drive it out of the garage with out any problems. So Dan and I started to drive the car home with Pete (Dan's Stepdad) following us.We got to the top of the hill and about three cars had flashed us so I stuck my head out of the window (as you do) and a tone of smoke came in. The next thing we new there's a guy pulled up beside us shouting at us that the car was on fire!!! So we quickly pulled over and jumped out of the car. The guy got out a fire extinguisher which didn't work so we ended up fanning it out whilst Peter went off to get water!!Well Dan's granddad is happy that the Saab is back and although he has lost his licence is threatening to drive it so we have had to take the keys and the battery.He is 88 yrs old and is now threatening to by a new 20 grand Saab to take the old ones place!!!