Kia Ora!
We are having a relaxing day today in Wellington as we have a free day!
We had a very busy day yesterday- we were up at 6am for breakfast and left our hotel in Christchurch at 7am for a 5 and half hour drive north to catch a ferry that took us from the South Island to the North Island. The ferry ride took 3 and half hours, and we arrived in Wellington at about 4pm. We had a city sights tour before arriving at our hotel at 6pm! We had an hour to get ready for a night out- this is not good when there are four girls sharing in a room!!! We are sharing with 2 welsh girls who are travelling together. We met downstairs at reception at 7.15pm and headed to a bar/restaurant called the Blend. Here we had a 3 course meal (which was lovely) for 30 dollars - about 14 pounds and had some free drinks. All other drinks were quite cheap at 4 dollars each!! We had some shots called Cowboys...they are lovely and had some other random drinks...we were soon dancing on tables- which seems to be a Contiki Custom.
We had quite a late night lastnight, and therefore had a lay-in this morning- we didn't get up till gone 10.30am. This morning we went Halloween costume shopping as we have a party tomorrow night on a cruise boat- this should be fun!!!We've had some lunch and will prob just wonder around town this afternnoon before having a lazy evening...unless our room mates can get us tickets for the Rihanna and Chris Brown concert- they are playing in Wellington tonight!! They are trying to find out whether there are any tickets left!
Anyway we had better be going.
Speak soon
Teresa and Lindsay x x x
Sweet as!
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