Since we wrote last we have been very very busy!!
Here is a quick summary for you - we will try and more pictures tomorrow as we finally have a day to ourselves!!!
- We went on an Aboriginal Bush Tucker Tour, this involved learning about the aboriginal way of life, eating bush bread and fruits as well as being tempted by the whichittigy grub (think Im A Celebraty Get Me Outta Here!!!) majority of the guys ate them but the girls chickened out!!! We also got the opportunity to throw boomerangs!!
- We then had to travel to Kings Cross Station for a night under the stars - sleeping in swags(a very thin matress with a cover and sleeping bag)!! We got a great view of the stars though and we also sat around the campfire and were told stories and then played drinking games - which got a bit messy!!! We were told that we shouldn't expect too much sleep, but we both slept really well.
- The next day we were up early to do a two and a half hour hike up and around Kings Canyon - just what we needed!! But we did get some amazing pictures! After this walk we then travelled to Ayers Rock and settled into our accomodation - we were told that we were staying in a resort so we were expecting a really nice and modern room - but it was more like a prison cell which consisted of TWO bunkbeds and a window!!!! Thankfully the communal toilets and showers were just across from where we were!!! The first night we had a few drinks and a dance in the bar area.
- Up early at 4.30am to watch the sunrise of Uluru (Ayers Rock). We then walked around the rock which took us just under TWO HOURS!!! Usually it would take longer, so we were pleased with ourselves. After the walk we then went on the back of a Harley Davidson - this was brillant and are now considering doing it again down the east coast - Surfers Paradise! At one point we got up to 80mph!!! Impressive - but got a little worried as we turned the corner!!! We then went to a Cultural Centre before doing a 40minute Scenic Flight once again over Ayers Rock and The Olgas - fantastic views and the plane seated 6 people so we were a little cramped, plus it was a little bumpy as was very windy! In the evening we watched the sunset with nibbles and champagne (5 glasses each i might add) and watched the colours change on the rock! After this we went back to the hotel for a night of dancing!!!! Very good night too!
- The next day we had our first lay-in - 8.30 start!!! We had a cooked breakfast which we have both missed, and then travelled from the rock to Alice Springs stopping on the way for lunch. We stopped at Mt Conner to take a few pictures before heading to the Telegraph station in Alice Springs - which was the first telephone line in Oz! We then visited a War Memorial, whci was nice and gave us a good view of Alice Springs!! In the evening we got dressed up and went to The Overlanders Steakhouse for a brillant meal and drinks! Here we got involved with games and danced.
- Up early again the next day for a visit to Simpsons Gap (another rock formation) and then saw the Royal Flying Doctors Headquarters! We then headed into town and did a bit of shopping before being picked up and taken to the airport to fly to Cairns!! Where we are now! When we arrived we were greeted by our new tour manager - Nick and another 20 odd people who are also on the East Coast with us!! We paid $20 and got a BBQ and a ticket so we got a free drink on entry to the five bars/clubs that we went too as part of our bar crawl - needless to say we had a rather late night (we were hardcore and were some of the last to leave) lol
- Up early yesterday - 8.00, for our Great Barrier Reef cruise which departed from Port Douglas - this is where all the celebrities hang out!!! Get us! lol. At the Great Barrier Reef we snorkelled in the sea in our sexy blue stinger suits and saw loads of really pretty fish and coral!! Lets hope the underwater camera works! Unfortunately several of us fell asleep on the top deck so got a little sun should we say. lol After our day on the sea we went into town for tea - The Woolshed - real good meals for cheap prices - which we love! Early night for us.
- Today we have had our first relaxing day - we got up at 8.00 -late for us lol. We did our laundry - which i might add we are getting very good at! We then got the hotels free stuttle bus into town and sat at the Esplanade by the sea - where there were cool little swimming pools - unfortunately we hadn't taken our bikinis!!! So just people watched - you know us lol We also spotted a McDonalds so guess where we stopped for lunch! Did some shopping and then went back to our hotel and packed down for tomorrow when we go to Whitsunday, where we being our three day sailing adventure, which will be hard work - no showers, limited toilets and no internet access!!!!
- Ann your right about the burgers - we started of in Darwin and had our first there and Lindsay was picking hers out!
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