When i left the beautiful town of Queenstown (which may i add i was actually gutted about) i headed towards Dunedin, the best thing about this town was that it had a cadburys factory!! oh yes!! my face was like this :D i had lots of fun, seing how chocolate was made and got lots of freebies, he just kept giving us chocolate and then more, theres no chance of me getting super fat though as the chocolate tastes disgusting here compared to home, so most of the chocolate was thrown. The night in Dunedin must go into the top messups of NZ, well it wasnt a messup really, we were just put in a room with a psycho! who, and i quote! said "dont you hate it when men attack you and you have to stab them" she was proper messed up, but then she lifted out a pack with around 200 condoms, so you think shes obviously on the game and when you wake up at 2am and shes not there it kind of makes your suspicions correct. The morning after everyone in the room was having a good moan about her when i decided to say out loud i though the "nutter" was going to smother me in my sleep after she had a screaming fit at us telling us we were talking to loud...then she walked in the room! i always open my mouth at the most innerpropriate times!
Then we left the beautiful cadbury town to head to lake tekapo, which was stunning! our hostel was right near the lake and we got some awesome views of the snow topped mountains. We even had a bbq with everyone off our bus which was wierd i have to say as it was freezing! Im only used to having bbq's in the summer. From lake tekapo we headed to Christchurch again, we had a nice relaxing few days with some of the people we met on our bus seing the city and going to the irish bar :D and then watching some dvds as it was chucking it down. On one of the days we went to see the kiwi birds - that was another experience and a half as they were clearly "busy" and we all had to go out of the room to stop us laughing like school children lol.
From Christchurch we headed to Kaikoura, now i was very excited about going here as it would mean i finally get to see the whales sophie has talked about ever since i had met her. we arrived really early in the morning and our driver kindly took us to the centre. My worst fears came to light when i saw the notice that a sea sickness warning was out (now dont laugh you have no idea what the boat in south africa did to me!) so i looked at the message and thought no, im going to see some whales, it wont be too bad. I paid for the trip and put on my motion sickness bands and then thought i better had back this up with a tablet too, so i went to the desk and bought a sea sickness tablet and took that aswell. I thought, oh am sorted now i will be fine. Ha! We gets on the boat and go out of the nice shaded area which was nice and calm to what felt like a flipping storm! we must have travelling for about 20 minutes with this guy at the front of the boat telling us how deep the water was below us (it got to the point you could fit three empire state buildings on top of one another - i wanted to cry) and then they finally heard a whale, so off we went. They are flipping huge they are. we saw three in total which was spectacular and i got some awesome photos. I thought when we set off back that i was fine and the trip had gone well...i was wrong, about 5 minutes before we made it back to the shore i was sick :( i wasnt even bothered about the sick it was just this time i was the only one who was and everybody heard :( i think you know my fear of flying may have shifted and moved to boats you know. I have decided im not going on boats again, nothing can be worth it.
So the day after seing the whales what did i have to go back on?....another flipping boat!! my face was not happy! Its basically called the interislander and takes you between the north and south island, so this meant our time was definately over on south island :(. The crossing was a little rocky in the middle, so i managed to keep my lunch down, which i was very happy about :) we arrived in wellington and guess what?! was raining. I knew it would in NZ but im still dissapointed when i wake up and it is, as we have had good luck with the weather so far on our trip.
So wellington, i have to say it isnt my favourite place here, but it is nice (when its not raining) we had a nice few days going on movie tours and seing were the lord of the rings, avatar and king kong was filmed, whoooop. we got lots of free food at the hostel which is always good and managed to bag two free tickets to the theatre, not bad ey! it was very good too. we went to a museum and saw the largest squid ever caught, its not pretty im not going to lie to you but today we had a normal day and went to the cinema to watch a movie called dear john, i hadnt read the plot line so i balled my eyes out not expecting it to be so sad.
However, i must add before i forget, i have given sophie some right good laughs today! This morning i went back to my room to get my jacket, my key card wouldnt work so i knocked on the door and a girl opened the door and got back into bed, but it was my bed, i told her this and she just said, no, i think its mine, i looked up at the door number and then realised i had gone to room 112 instead of 212, nevertheless i made the fastest exit, my face is still bright red now haha. Then sophie had heard from some backpackers that the bestest coffee ever is from the wellington libary, we went in and got a little lost, its not like the libary in wigan, its huge! we went up escalators and down lifts to finally find out the entrance to the cafe was right near were we walked in so i went up the steps and an old guy (very annoying) followed me and asked me to walk to the excit of the libary, i did and he said walk through it, i politely asked why and he said well im trying to show you the exit as you excited through the entrance, now i apologised (even though i wanted to call him a jobs worth and let it go its just a walkway) and i went up to the cafe to find sophie. I was waiting for her to get her coffee when this guy came back over insisting to search through my bag. i asked why and he said well i have checked cctv and you went into the libary and i need to check your bag, i opened my bag and showed him everything for him to ask and whats that little thing there? passport, i dont think i have managed to get that here do you? he was very annoying, but its another funny story to tell :)
We are off on our travels around north island tomorrow so i cant wait, its so wierd to think we only have 4 weeks left now, it doesnt seem like 2 weeks since it all started!
- comments
grandma Hi Tara, great blog and good to see you are still enjoying your holiday. We miss you every day, and cannot wait for you to come home. Grandad is great, and was pleased he could hear you on the mobile on his birthday. Take care as allways our hugs kisses and our love.xxxxxxxxx