Hello everyone, well this is going to big one hell of a blog as i havent been on in quite a while.
So we left wellington to set off on our travels on the north island.
We headed on upto napier and then to taupo were it rained...constantly! It was here, as you all know i managed to squeeze in a bungy jump, i wont go into too much detail on this as you have probaly seen the video and heard me scream haha. Then we headed on up to rotorua, i have to say it stunk there! its full of thermal acticity and i could constantly smell gone off eggs. It wasnt pleasent but you kind of got used to it. Whilst we were in rotorua, we visited a maori hangy, where we saw them perform the haka and then we watched a show by the maoris before having a cooked dinner! The day after... i was very excited about this day! we visited the film set from the lord of the Rings, now the new film set of the Hobbit!! it was amazing as they wereactually building the set as we were there and we even had to sign a confidentiality agreement to not put our pictures of facebook (sorry guys! - but i can show you them).
Then we headed on up to a place called Mount manganui. On the way up i stopped for a mid morning session of zorbing :D if you dont know what that is, you are basically put in a giant ball and rolled down a hill like a hampster! There was a little glitch as i went and queued up to be told i wasnt tall enough to ride in the dry zorb (i was actually gutted about this! i have never been too small for anything! i know know how little kids feel at camelot when i tell them they are too small to go on the whirlwind!!) so i had a very sad face until the guy said i could go in the wet zorb. This was were lots of water was placed inside the zorb so you got soaked on the way down. I got a spare change of clothes and went for it. It was awesome, but i made the biggest mistake of not taking a spare change of underwear and sitting on the bus for the rest of the day soaking! bad move tara! At mount manganui we head a drinking session with everyone off our bus which was...eventful!
Then we headed upto the bay of island to visit the 90mile beach and the very top of the island. The day trip started off bad as a storm had arrived and it was throwing it down! however, as the day progressed the weather got surprisingly better and we had glorious weather! We went the the top part of NZ then drove along the 90mile beach before going sandboarding, which is great!! it takes alot of effort to climb up the chuffing things but was well worth it!
After having a great few days in paihia we headed to Aukland (which i was assured was awful!) its just like any regular city really, but we had a nice hostel and we have spent the last few days relaxing and saving the dosh for when we get to hong kong and china as there are lots of places for us to visit. We did manage to sqeeze a trip to see sex and the city 2, which was brilliant!!
Other than that, there is nothing else to report, i have liked NZ alot but im now ready to come home and see everyone. Im very excited to go to hong kong though!
- comments
momma Hi Tara, great blog glad you enjoyed NZ and thanks for waking me up at 4.25 am on Monday morning I did not know where I was. HA HA !!!!!!!.Grandad says you have to mind what you are doing. (again ) he worries about you. And yes it's only two weeks before you come home so enjoy your time.And your favourite meal will be waiting for you. Hugs Kisses and most of all our Love.xxxxxxxxxxxx