The past few days have been a lot of fun -- but what part of Australia hasn't been? We went on an underground tour of the waterways on Tuesday. We got to dress up for the tour in special helmets, and got these huge flashlights. We walked from the information center in town to get to the waterways, and I'm sure everybody thought we were crazy. But, it was a good thing we had the gear on -- I hit my head twice on the same pipe. I also think that without the extra height of the helmet my head wouldn't have reached the pipe, though.
Wednesday was the last day of class which was exciting. So Wednesday night we went out to celebrate which was fun. Thursday was spend working on the papers that are due Wednesday...boring. But, it was still better than having to be in class. Firday was spent doing more work. And Friday night we went back to the Indian place, where they made a special dessert just for us :) It was a special milk, rice, sugar mixture with rasins and cashews in it. It was so good, and after we went into town to a karaoke bar.
Yesterday we spend at the market (of course). One of the preformers this week was a Scottish band. They were all dressed in kilts and everything. And they sounded so good. We headed to the port after the market to get a ride on Lady Nelson, but it was all sold out. So, we booked a ride and went today. Lady Nelson was one of the original boats to land in Hobart. It was amazing to get to go sailing on it. I even learned a little bit about how to use the sails! We were actually better off going today, because it was a bit warmer out. It is really beginning to be fall here. All of the leaves are changing colors, which make the mountains even more beautiful.
Tomorrow its back to work. But once our papers are handed in we will be back to touring like crazy, and packing :( We are planning on going to the casino for dinner our last night here. The top floor of the building rotates so you can see all of hobart from 14 floors up. It is going to be wonderful (and the food is supposed to be good, too).
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