My turn to write the blog so I will try my best to provide an insightful look at the day in Munich. Kaz and I started the day with a coffee and planning out what we will do which basically consisted of going to all of the Birkenstock shops in Munich. So off to the Hauptbanhof to get a map and have another coffee with me also scoffing down a Wurst croissant (for those not familiar with this this is a croissant with a hot dog in it) then off to the shops. The good thing about this is it took us from the Hauptbahnhof, through Karlsplatz, Marienplatz, onto St Petersplatz and the Viktualienmarkt so a good tour of the centre. Anyway got to Marienplatz at the wonderful time of midday so it was packed with tourists waiting for the glockenspiel to do its thing and it did for some 5 minutes (which we couldn't remember it taking that long). So got through that and Kaz managed to get her Birki thongs at the next shop. Went through the Viktualienmarkt and decided we would come back for lunch then onto the next shop where I bought a pair of Birki thongs and a pair of dress shoes for work, etc. Back to the Viktualienmarkt where I have to explain it is a market in a square where the square has bench seats and tables, you get your food at the surrounding stores and the beer at the bar (yes it is obligatory in Munich to have a beer with lunch ranging from 0.5 to 1 litre in size), we got Wurst (sausages) with sauerkraut and of course a beer each.
Decided to take the shopping back to the apartment where we skyped the kids and I I had a 10 minute power nap while Kaz set the tour for the night. She has listed 5 Brauhauses to visit all marked on the map. Went to the S Bahn and when on the train she tells me she forgot the map so we had to go to the Hauptbahnhof to get another one. On getting the map we decided that the first one to go to should be the Augistiner Keller and what a choice. The bier garten can hold 1000 people and they have a small truck going around collecting the empty steins. So we settled in at our table with our steins and as the Germans do, other people sit at our table and we get talking. We have met Frieder, his wife X (we couldn't even come close to pronouncing it) and their friend Olaf, we get chatting and they are good company so we have more steins and a giant pretzel. All the beer is poured direct from wooden barrels and the locals did say that this was the best beer in Munich and I have to agree. The night progressed and they invited us to Olaf's apartment for more beers and we just stipulated as long at it was close to the S Bahn. No problem so off we go and had a great time, however when the schnapps came out it was goodnight nurse. Can't remember a great deal about the train home but I can say we got there. Overall I can say if in Muncih a must is the Augustiner Keller it is fantastic. Prost!!!
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